CHAMPAIGN Robert L. Brackett III, Architecture Scholarship, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture, Gargoyle Society Sophomore Award of Excellence, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship; Scott C. Burge, Francis J. Plym Graduate Fellowship; Craig L. Carter, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award; Laura B. Inskip, Tyler Allhands Undergraduate Scholarship, Edward C. Earl Prize in Design in Versailles; Dana N. Krisch, The Womens Architectural League Foundation of Chicago Scholarship; Xuemei Li, The Louise Woodroofe Prize; Madhura S. Sane, Stephen J.Y. Tang Memorial Award in Architecture
CHICAGO (21) Brittany L. Marshall, William T. Spooner Memorial Scholarship in Architecture
(24) Nathan C. Clemons, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
(28) Tasha M. Love, American Institute of Architects/American Architectural Foundation Scholarship, The Graduate College Minority Academic Partnership Plan (MAPP) Fellowship
(39) Jesus Perez, Jr., American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
(41) Mark D. Kasprzyk, Rexford Newcomb Award
(52) Marcus A. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship; Dawntaya L. Rodgers, National Organization of Minority Architects Outstanding Student Leadership and Merit Award, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
(53) Deana A. Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
CHRISMAN Rachel L. Walter, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award
CRYSTAL LAKE Emily A. Gomez, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship; David P. Riordan, Edward C. Earl Prize for Design in Versailles
DARIEN Nicole J. Brzozowski, Alpha Rho Chi Medal
DOWNERS GROVE Brian J. Ulaszek, American Institute of Architects/American Architectural Foundation Scholarship
DOWNS Daren S. Kneezel, James M. White Memorial Prize in Structures
DUNLAP Andrew J. Harmon, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture
ELGIN Loretta A. Szewczyk, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
ELK GROVE VILLAGE Michael W. Organ, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
FARMINGTON Andrea L. Schultz, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture
FRANKFORT Bradley W. Moeller, James M. White Prize in Management Option
FREEPORT Scott A. Winter, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture
GENESEO Matthew M. Fuelling, Edward C. Earl Prize in Structures; Meredith E. McCombs, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture
GENOA Michelle L. Knuckey, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
GLADSTONE Cynthia L. Larson, Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship
GLEN CARBON Janet S. Miller, Edward C. Earl Prize in History and Preservation
GLENDALE HEIGHTS Karl F. Guider, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
GREENVILLE Sunny E. Stone, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Prize in Architecture
JACKSONVILLE Peter F. Sherrill, Francis J. Plym Graduate Fellowship
JOHNSTON CITY Sean M. Smith, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award
LA SALLE Michael P. Muenchow, James M. White Memorial Prize in History and Preservation
MASCOUTAH Emily J. Bandre, School of Architecture Directors Award
MENDOTA Jason V. Bauer, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award; Neil G. Sondgeroth, Edward C. Earl Prize for Practice and Technology Option in Architecture 232
MONROE CENTER Melissa A. Rainwater, The Elizabeth Goetsch Scholarship
MONTICELLO Brian S. Faulkner, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award
MORTON Shana M. Dobrinsky, Edward C. Earl Prize in History and Preservation
MORTON GROVE James N. Seo, William C. Moe Memorial Scholarship
MUNDELEIN Karin Chen, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture
NAPERVILLE Ryan T. Cusick, Fred E. and Thomas Berger Memorial Scholarship
NEW BERLIN Jason M. Meier, James M. White Memorial Prize in Structures
PALOS HILLS Kristina Fuangkasae, Edward C. Earl Prize in Structures
PALOS PARK Brett D. Mozden, Edward C. Earl Prize in Structures
PARK FOREST Christopher L. Algmin, Annual Architecture Awards Logo Design, Cyrus E. Palmer Award
PEORIA Anthony P. Corso, Frank B. and Jennie M. Long Traveling Scholarship
ROCKFORD Mark A. Ethun, American Institute of Architects Henry Adams School Medal; Ingedia K. Gonzalez, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice; Tatijana Stafets, David Ashby Memorial Scholarship Fund in Architecture, Edward and Mary Jane Simmons Award in Architecture
ROUND LAKE BEACH Alejandro Arango, Architecture Scholarship, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship
SAVOY Jessica T. Gilbert, Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellowship; Qing Wang, James M. White Memorial Prize in Structures
SCHAUMBURG Keith R. Schmelzer, Charles Clemens Councell Memorial Fund in Architecture; Hae-Yeon C. Sung, The Louise Woodroofe Prize
SIGEL Elizabeth S. Ordner, Edwin A. Horner Graduate Fellowship, National Association of Women in Construction – Danville Chapter
TINLEY PARK Frank P. Nelson, Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship, Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellowship, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Prize in Architecture
TOLUCA Anthony W. Lauber, Frank B. and Jennie M. Long Traveling Scholarship
TOWER LAKES Julia G. Prey, Delbert R. Smith Memorial Award in Architecture, Edward C. Earl Prize in Structures
URBANA Muhammad O. Farooq, Donald E. and Margaret P. Ferry Award for Excellence in Architecture, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice; Anna V. Shakun, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Memorial Fellowship in Architecture; Douglas E. Sturgeon, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
WASHINGTON Zachary R. Borders, School of Architecture Directors Award
WATSEKA Jassen G. Johnson, School of Architecture Directors Award
WESTERN SPRINGS Brett A. Polich, Donald E. and Margaret P. Ferry Award for Excellence in Architecture
WHEATON Carole M. Pekny, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood E. Schwenk Scholarship, Edward C. Earl Prize for Practice and Technology in Architecture 231, Rexford Newcomb Award
ZION Christina J. Schrader, The Louise Woodroofe Award
CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles Paul Groh, Francis J. Plym Traveling Fellowship
Mission Viejo Amy C. MacDonald, Frank B. and Jennie M. Long Traveling Scholarship
COLORADO, Golden Yun J. Lee, American Institute of Architects Henry Adams School Medal
INDIANA, Bloomington Ryan D. Spicer, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
Indianapolis Kenneth M. King, Howard L. White Scholarship
Munster Janna N. Pasztor, Fermer Spencer Cannon and Mary L. Cannon Scholarship
IOWA, West Branch Brian S. Faulkner, Bruce Abrams Memorial Award
MICHIGAN, Kalamazoo Kenneth E. Crabiel, School of Architecture Directors Award
Kent City Mara M. Braspenninx, William B. Bauhs Memorial Fund in Architecture, National Association of Women in Construction – Danville Chapter, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Scholarship in Architecture
Ravenna Mara M. Braspenninx, William B. Bauhs Memorial Fund in Architecture, National Association of Women in Construction – Danville Chapter, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Scholarship in Architecture
NORTH CAROLINA, Greensboro Jacobi Gastile, The Graduate College Fellowship
OHIO, Columbus Bethany A. Barta, Edward C. Earl Prize for Practice and Technology Option in Architecture 241
SOUTH CAROLINA, Cheraw Eleanor C. Spruill, The Woolpert LLP Architectural Scholarship
TENNESSEE, Kingston Carl W. Deskins, Bronze Tablet, Edward C. Earl Prize for Practice and Technology Option – Architecture 242, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Memorial Fellowship in Architecture, Ricker Award in History of Architecture
Oak Ridge Elizabeth A. Campbell, Society of Architectural Historians Book Award
TEXAS, Bryan Min-young Seo, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
Carrollton J. Amanda Johnson, Edward C. Earl Prize in Structures
UTAH, Santaquin Kimball L. Hales, Tyler Allhands Graduate Fellowship
VIRGINIA, Woodbridge Lihia Gill, The Graduate College Fellowship
WASHINGTON, Puyallup Yun J. Lee, American Institute of Architects Henry Adams School Medal
WISCONSIN, Mineral Point Nicholas L. Burris, Charles G. Rummel Fellowship in Architecture
Valders Bradley W. Moeller, James M. White Prize in Management Option
BAHRAIN, Manama Dalia Y. Alsayegh, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
CHINA, Beijing Qing Wang, Xiaohuang Zhuang, James M. White Memorial Prize in Structures
Hangzhou Jie Huang, Robert F. Hastings Memorial Fellowship in Architecture
Shanghai Jienan Han, Clarence T. Paul Graduate Fellowship
Shanxi Wei Zhang, YuCi, E. Benno Philippson AIA Traveling Fellowship in Architecture, Raymond A. Pigozzi Award
HONG KONG, Kowloon Vincent C.H. Leung, Architecture Scholarship, Gargoyle Society Freshman Award of Excellence, Chester V. Long Scholarship, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood L. Schwenk Scholarship
INDIA Madhura S. Sane, Stephen J.Y. Tang Memorial Award in Architecture
KOREA, Seoul Tae Jin Ju, Frank B. and Jennie M. Long Traveling Scholarship; Woo-Young Kang, Kwangjin Ku, Donald E. and Margaret P. Ferry Award for Excellence in Architecture, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice; Jin Hwa Park, Frank B. and Jennie M. Long Traveling Scholarship, Edward L. Ryerson Traveling Fellowship, James M. White Prize for Design Integration Concentration in the Practice and Technology Option; Min-young Seo, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
PAKISTAN, Lahore Cantt Muhammad O. Farooq, Donald E. and Margaret P. Ferry Award for Excellence in Architecture, American Institute of Architects/Central Illinois Chapter Award for Excellence in Professional Practice
RUSSIA, Moscow Anna V. Shakun, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Memorial Fellowship in Architecture
TURKEY, Ankara Suna Cagaptay-Arikan, Alan K. and Leonarda F. Laing Memorial Scholarship in Architecture
Izmir Ertan S. Bayer, Yali Cad Architectural Research Centers Consortium/King Student Medal for Excellence in Architecture and Environmental Design Research; Isil Duzgun, Clarence T. Paul Graduate Fellowship