The simple act of listening could save your life.
Emergency management officials say that when a dangerous storm is approaching, it’s important to listen for the network of tornado warning sirens located on campus and to know what to do when they sound.
When you hear the sirens, the general advice is go to the basement or the lowest level and seek shelter in an interior hallway or other enclosed area. Avoid areas with windows and auditoriums, gymnasiums, or other large rooms where roof collapse may be likely. Avoid using the elevator if possible. If you are outside when you hear the warning siren, seek shelter in the nearest building.
Your building’s emergency plan should provide details on shelter locations, emergency supplies and communication resources.
Emergency warning sirens will be sounded only if a tornado is sighted or if the university is in the path of an approaching tornado. Sirens will be activated for three minutes. If the danger is still present, or a continuing threat exists, the warning siren will be repeated every 30 minutes for as long as the condition continues. (Sirens are tested at 10 a.m. on the first Tuesday of the month.)