David Thiel, program director for WILL-Channel 12, is frequently seen by the public during the campaign drives when he appears on camera to make pitches for public support. Behind-the-scenes he scans thousands of potential shows each year, and in his free time treats himself to science fiction movies and TV shows, such as “Star Trek” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
Thiel even has one room in his Champaign home lined with bookshelves that display his large collection of science fiction action figures, ranging from Captain Kirk to Jabba the Hutt to Godzilla and the Incredible Hulk.
What does the WILL-TV program director do?
That’s the person who decides what airs. We always try to pick up some new things and also to bring back some old ones too. I respond — or someone in my department will — to anyone who calls in with a comment about programming. People have a lot of opinions about what they’ve seen, want to see or don’t want to see on our station, and so we try to listen to those comments.
Do you like to do the pledge drives? Are you comfortable being on air?
Oh yeah, I’ve been doing it a long time now. It can be fun. We try to keep it light.
What do you like to do away from the job?
I’ve been working with the Champaign-Urbana Theater Co. this summer. We’re rehearsing the next play, “You Can’t Take It With You.” It’s a funny show, a real funny script. My character’s name is Mr. DePinna. I did the “Wizard of Oz” this summer too. I was essentially in the chorus. Also the C-U Theater Co. does murder mystery dinners, and I’ve been doing those since about last November.
When did you get started collecting science fiction characters?
About 22 years ago. It really starts with the first “Star Wars” film. I would have been probably 12 or 13 at that time, so I was initially getting them as toys. And then later, I started getting a little more into the collector mode, and I started thinking wouldn’t it be fun to have it all and set them up in some sort of display?
How do you acquire them?
I scour the stores and try to find new things as they come out. But it’s just not “Star Wars” characters, it’s other things too. The Godzilla stuff is harder to get because the things I go after are all Japanese imports. I’ve done some wheeling and dealing on the Internet to get things.
I’ve found people I can trade things with and some folks who will even just pick up something for you — if it’s available at a store near them but not locally.
Every once in a while my friends and I do what we euphemistically call the toy run, where we drive out to other communities — like Bloomington — and just hit all the stores just to keep an eye on things.
Do you have some characters that you feel are valuable?
I do. But I try not to worry about value much. A sizable number of folks will buy things and never take them out of the package, correctly believing they’re more valuable that way. But I prefer to take them out and mess with them. I think that’s more fun. So yes, I’ve got some things that are fairly valuable but on the other hand that’s not really why I have them.
I did sell some things off last year — an original set of “Star Wars” figures from the ’70s and ’80s. Some of them were getting really high up in value.
How many do you have?
I just counted yesterday, and I had 700 on display. And there are probably a couple more hundred put away.
What are your three favorite science fiction movies?
Definitely the original “Star Wars” is one of them. One of my other favorites is “Forbidden Planet” from the 1950s. It was the first real big-budget science fiction film. And another favorite is “Aliens,” the sequel to “Alien.”
Does your wife share your interest in the collection?
Vicky has helped out and she frequently buys me things. And she’s always been very supportive of this insanity.