To Anne Stites, an administrative assistant in academic programs in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, recalling her career at the U. of I. is like recounting a family timeline.
She started working at McKinley Health Center as an office support associate in 1979, but left in 1983 when she lost her day care provider. In that time off she had her third child.
In 1988 she came back to the U. of I. as extra help and soon settled in as a full-timer at McKinley.
Then came the house fire in 1991 that turned the Stites’ lives upside down. It was a difficult time, but the outpouring she received from co-workers made the loss a little more bearable.
“It was just unbelievable how many fellow employees stepped up to help or offer their support,” she said. “Everybody I worked with there was like family. Everyone knew everyone. It was very casual and everyone went out of their way to help each other.”
That’s what made the move to ACES more difficult for her. She said she enjoyed the job and liked the people there, but knew that there was no comparable position to advance to at McKinley.
“I knew I would not grow unless I moved,” she said.
The move paid off. Since arriving in ACES in 1991, she has advanced from a secretary IV position to administrative aide to her current position – an administrative assistant serving the associate dean of academic programs.
“I like to take on new things and to be challenged in my job,” she said. “I want to do something different every day.”
The ACES job has fit that bill perfectly. She said it’s expanded her horizons and built confidence in her abilities.
“I’m a fireman here – I put out a lot of fires every day,” she said. “My job, really, is to solve the little problems so they don’t become big problems.”
In her current position, Stites manages the associate and assistant deans’ calendars, plans meetings, coordinates office traffic and works with the ACES Student Council and other related organizations. She said the variety is enjoyable and that each month brings a different focus to her job, whether it’s student recruiting or admitting, or some other recurring event.
It’s difficult to have a conversation with Stites that lasts very long because it’s inevitably interrupted by a phone call or a visitor with a question.
And while she has become professionally satisfied, she also has learned that the family feeling she had at McKinley extends to other corners of the U. of I. as well.
“It’s been nice because I’ve developed some really close relationships with some of the students who have come through here,” she said.
Stites remains friends with a few former students and has watched from afar as several student friendships have blossomed into marriage proposals. One couple still sends photos of their kids to Stites, which she proudly displays in her office.
“They teach me things pretty regularly,” she said, “and getting to know some of these kids has been pretty special.”
Stites knows a little about the student experience, having earned her bachelor’s degree through an Eastern Illinois University program offered at Parkland College.
“I enjoy learning and wanted to earn my degree before I turned 50,” she said. “So at 46 I decided this was something I had to do. It was four long years, but I graduated in 2010.”
Does she have plans to add more classes in the future?
“No,” she said. “Now is the time to enjoy the grandchildren.”
She said her office is much roomier than her past job locations and that it comes with a perk that is hard to match: “The best thing about this office is that I control the heat.”
Stites has been married for 34 years to Mark and they live near Bondville in rural Champaign County. Both have lived in the area their entire lives.
Stites has several interests when she leaves work and loves to travel with her husband – preferably to a spot that has a beach and plenty of sun.
“Being in a nice beach town and lounging and shopping may be the best thing in the world,” she said. “There are just so many beautiful places to go.”
The couple has taken tropical cruises and this year is considering a trip out West – though Stites said her dream is to vacation in Hawaii for their 35th wedding anniversary.
They also are known for taking weekend trips with any combination of their three children and two grandchildren.
Closer to home, Stites is taking classes to train the family’s two new puppies and can’t wait for the weather to improve so she can focus on yard work.
“It’s definitely been a long winter,” she said, “but a little sun will make us all forget about it.”