CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Tom Easton, an award-winning journalist and the Asia business editor of The Economist, will give the keynote address April 5 (Thursday) at a colloquium on the role Japan and China play in the American economy.

Tom Easton
The two-day symposium, “A Cultural and Economic Understanding of the ‘Asian Invasions’: The U.S., Japan and China, 1940-Present,” is co-organized by Dan Shao, a professor of East Asian languages and cultures at the University of Illinois, and Matthew Brown, the president of the Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government.
Easton shared the 2011 Bastiat Prize for Journalism for “Bamboo Capitalism,” an article on private entrepreneurs in China. He was previously a senior editor for Forbes, and New York and Tokyo bureau chief for The Baltimore Sun. Easton’s address, beginning at 2 p.m. in Room 407 of the Levis Faculty Center, 919 W. Illinois St., Urbana, is free and open to the public.
Other sessions will be open to invited participants. The colloquium will focus on readings and videos that explore the 1980s ascendancy of Japan and the more recent upsurge of the Chinese economy, and the subsequent political uneasiness and fear in American culture, Shao said.
For more information, email Shao at