Ninety-three faculty members receive promotions, nine tenure without change in rank In July, the UI Board of Trustees approved faculty promotions that became effective Aug. 21. Twenty-four promotions to professor and three to associate professor without change in tenure and 66 to associate professor on indefinite tenure were granted. In addition, nine faculty members received tenure without change in rank. * For joint appointments, second department is listed after faculty member’s name. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences To professor without change in tenure: Animal Sciences: Rodney W. Johnson Agricultural and Consumer Economics: Gerald C. Nelson Agricultural Engineering: Yuanhui Zhang To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Child Development in Human and Community Development: Kelly Korinne Bost Crop Sciences (Molecular Weed Science): Patrick J. Tranel Food Science and Human Nutrition: Kelly Anne Tappenden Food Science and Human Nutrition (Food Chemistry): Nicki Jene Engeseth Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences: Robert J. M. Hudson, Gregory F. McIsaac To associate professor without change in tenure: Crop Sciences: Leslie L. Domier Crop Sciences; Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences: Gerald K. Sims To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Agricultural Engineering: Alan Christopher Hansen (associate professor) Animal Sciences: Romana Angelika Nowak (associate professor)
Institute of Aviation To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Douglas Alan Wiegmann College of Business To professor without change in tenure: Business Administration: Joseph T. Mahoney Economics: Hadi S. Esfahani To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Business Administration: Rajshree Agarwal-Tronetti Economics: Elizabeth T. Powers (Institute of Government and Public Affairs) College of Communications To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Journalism: Nancy Jane Benson College of Education To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Curriculum and Instruction: Mark Allen Dressman Educational Policy Studies: Pradeep A. Dhillon, Wanda Sue Pillow Educational Psychology: Dorothy L. Espelage Human Resource Education: K. Peter Kuchinke Special Education: Nancy B. Hertzog College of Engineering To professor without change in tenure: Civil and Environmental Engineering: Lutgarde Raskin Electrical and Computer Engineering: Seth Andrew Hutchinson, Zhi-Pei Liang, Pierre Moulin, Thomas J. Overbye, Jose E. Schutt-Aine, Andrew G. Webb Materials Science and Engineering: Jennifer A. Lewis To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Civil and Environmental Engineering: Charles James Werth Electrical and Computer Engineering: Jennifer Truman Bernhard, Ralf Koetter, Chang Liu, Andrew Carl Singer Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Geir E. Dullerud, M. Taher A. Saif, Physics: Ali Yazdani Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Mark Short To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Computer Science: John C. Hart (associate professor) Electrical and Computer Engineering: Kent D. Choquette (professor), Gregory L. Timp (professor) College of Fine and Applied Arts To professor without change in tenure: Architecture: Ronald E. Schmitt To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Architecture: Abbas Aminmansour, Joy Monice Malnar Art and Design: Lauretta J. Hogin Dance: Sara Hook, Linda M. Lehovec Music: Donna A. Buchanan Urban and Regional Planning: Emily Talen Graduate School of Library and Information Science To associate professor on indefinite tenure: P. Bryan Heidorn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences To professor without change in tenure: Anthropology: Stanley H. Ambrose East Asian Languages and Cultures: Zong-Qi Cai History; East Asian Languages and Cultures: Kai-Wing Chow History: Mark D. Steinberg Microbiology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: James A. Imlay Psychology: Gabriele Gratton Sociology: Futing Liao To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Anthropology: Matti Bunzl, Andrew Orta Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, School of Chemical Sciences: William S. Hammack Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences: Wilfred A. van der Donk English: Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Catherine Jean Prendergast, David Wright Entomology, School of Integrative Biology: Lawrence M. Hanks Geology: Bruce W. Fouke, Thomas Martin Johnson, Xiaodong Song Germanic Languages and Literatures: Carl Hendrik Niekerk, Frederick W. Schwink History: Kristin Lee Hoganson, Craig M. Koslofsky Linguistics: Rakesh Mohan Bhatt Mathematics: Matthew A. Ando, Marius Junge, Renming Song, Alexandru Zaharescu Microbiology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: William W. Metcalf Program for the Study of Religion: Richard A. Layton Psychology: Sumie Okazaki, Michel Regenwetter Sociology: Shin-Kap Han, Zine Magubane Speech Communication: Scott Althaus, Stephen John Hartnett To associate professor without change in tenure: Cellular and Structural Biology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: Benjamin D. Williams (College of Medicine) To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: East Asian Languages and Cultures; Program for the Study of Religion: Alexander Leonhard Mayer (associate professor) Mathematics: Alexandr V. Kostochka (professor) Spanish, Italian and Portuguese: Mariselle Melendez (associate professor) University Library To professor without change in tenure: Winnie Chan, Timothy W. Cole To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Lisa B. German, Wei Ma, Lynne M. Rudasill, Marek Sroka To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Jenny Marie Johnson (associate professor) College of Veterinary Medicine To professor without change in tenure: Veterinary Pathobiology; Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory: Gail Scherba To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Veterinary Clinical Medicine: Richard L. Wallace (Veterinary Programs in Agriculture, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences)