Between Sept. 1, 2012, and Aug. 31, 2013, 32 faculty members and 59 academic professionals retired from the U. of I., according to the Office of Academic Human Resources. Those who retired during that time were honored last spring at the campus’s Academic Service Recognition Luncheon. Also honored were employees celebrating an employment milestone (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years) during that time.
Academic Programs and Services
Charles V. Evans, associate vice president for academic affairs and the director of university outreach and public service, 34
Agricultural and Consumer Economics
Gary J. Hoff, associate director of the U. of I. Tax School, 12
Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, College of (administration)
Linda S. Kull, senior production program coordinator, 17
Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Ted L. Funk, assistant professor and extension specialist in agricultural engineering, 32
Animal Sciences
James E. Pettigrew, professor, 15
Art and Design, School of
Marsha K. Biddle, coordinator of graduate academic affairs, 16
Debra L. Bolgla, adjunct assistant professor, 26
Beckman Institute
Shelley L. Matthews, human resources coordinator, 10
Bureau of Educational Research
Shirley Berbaum, assistant to the head, 26
Carol A. Casbeer, teacher collaborator, 2
Business Administration
Joseph L. Cheng, professor, 17
Business, College of
Eleanor Tewksbury, associate director of the Hoeft Technology and Management Program, 21
Chemical Sciences, School of
William C. Altenberger, research engineer, 25
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Leslie J. Struble, professor, 24
Computer Science
Samuel N. Kamin, associate professor, 33
Marianne S. Winslett, research professor, professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and director of the Singapore Advanced Digital Sciences Center, 26
Conferences and Institutes
Elaine E. Wolff, program director, 15
Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)
Mary K. Sutherland, library systems coordinator, 21
Crop Sciences
Stephen A. Ebelhar, agronomist and extension specialist in soil fertility, 28
Rita H. Mumm, associate professor emerita and director of the Plant Breeding Center, 27
Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies,
Rajmohan Gandhi, research professor and academic director of Global Crossroads Living-Learning Community, 15
Center for a Sustainable Environment,
Willie K. Dong, research assistant professor, 11
Curriculum and Instruction
Joanne D. Broadbent, adjunct lecturer, 13
Georgia E. Garcia, professor, 31
Disability Resources and Educational Services
Theresa A. Rear, disability specialist, 15
Electrical and Computer Engineering
James J. Coleman, professor, professor in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and in the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, and the Intel Alumni Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering, 31
Nick Holonyak, John Bardeen Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics, Center for Advanced Study Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a professor in the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, 50
Engineering, College of (administration)
Michael B. Bragg, professor and in the Information Trust Institute; interim dean, 24
Bruce F. Michelson, professor, Campus Honors faculty member and director of the Campus Honors program, 37
Thomas Newman, research assistant professor, 9
Fine and Applied Arts, College of (administration)
Robert B. Graves, dean and professor, 35
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Faye L. Dong, professor and head, 10
Susan Kieffer, CAS Professor of Geology and a Walgreen Endowed Chair, 10
Jane T. Hedges, associate editor, 17
David Prochaska, associate professor, 32
Illinois Informatics Institute
Judith A. Tolliver, coordinator for informatics education, 25
Illinois State Archaeological Survey
Sarah U. Wisseman, director, visiting assistant professor and campus honors faculty member, 30
Illinois State Geological Survey
Jane E. Domier, associate geospatial/data technician, 24
Illinois State Natural History Survey
Damon R. Stotts, DNR project coordinator, 8
Illinois Sustainable Technology Center
Robert A. Iverson, marketing and outreach coordinator, 13
Institute for Genomic Biology
Pamela M. Rank, business and procurement specialist, 16
Integrative Biology, School of
Robert E. Dole, coordinator of Muiltidisciplinary Instructional Lab, 41
Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of,
B.W. McClain, assistant varsity coach for men’s basketball, 11
Internal Medicine
Kathryn K. Harden, associate editor, 32
International Programs and Studies
Gale E. Summerfield, associate professor and director of Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, 15
Labor and Employment Relations, School of
Edward Hertenstein, assistant professor and head of the Labor Education Program, 16
J.M. Lillich, visiting project coordinator, 7
Paula D. Wells, executive director of the Industrial Relations Research Association, 13
Liberal Arts and Studies, College of (administration)
Joseph T. Miller, academic adviser, 25
Paul R. Osterhout, associate dean for advancement and interim associate vice chancellor for advancement, 14
Library and Information Science, Graduate School of
Larry S. Jackson, senior research scientist, 19
Marianne V. Steadley, continuing professional development program director, 12
MBA Program
Jaquilin J. Wilson, director of MBA admissions, 12
Materials Science and Engineerng
John R. Abelson, professor, and in the Coordinated Science Laboratory and the Materials Research Laboratory, 26
Ian M. Robertson, a Donald B. Willett Professor of Engineering and professor of materials science and engineering, 31
McKinley Health Center
Harriet Bursztyn, staff psychiatrist, 14
Michael F. Smiricky, staff pharmacist, 2
Media and Cinema Studies
Fernando I. Elichirigoity, associate professor, 25
Medicine, College of
Linda M. Moore, coordinator of clinical affairs (clinical sciences), 23
Music, School of
Fred A. Stoltzfus, professor, 22
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Michael E. Welge, senior adviser, senior research and development program manager and IGB affiliate, 26
Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
Schuyler S. Korban, professor of molecular genetics and biotechnology and director of the ACES Office of International Programs, 33
Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering
William R. Roy, senior geochemist, 14
Office of Business and Financial Services
University Capital Programs and Real Estate Services
Mary M. Nelson, training coordinator, 9
Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations
Kim M. Fraser, accounts receivable collections coordinator, 8
Assistant Vice President for Business and Finance-Urbana
Maxine E. Sandretto, assistant vice president for business and finance, 14
Urbana Grants and Contracts
Denise A. Connour, associate director of grants and contracts (post-award), 33
University Accounting and Financial Reporting
Denise M. Donaldson, assistant controller, 34
University Payables
Sandra G. Ehler, executive director of university payables, 15
Stephen A. Wiggs, director of corporate card and travel management, 8
Office of the Chancellor
Babette M. Hiles, director of special events, 29
Sharesse L. Williams, assistant director of special events, 12
Office of the Registrar
Nguyet T. McIntyre, academic records coordinator, 26
Office of Technology Management
Willis S. Colburn, senior patent coordinator, 11
Political Science
Donald Greco, adjunct associate professor and director of the Civic Leadership Program, 9
J.K. Bock, professor and professor in the Beckman Institute, 22
Social Work, School of
Mary K. Eamon, associate professor, 15
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
Diane Musumeci, associate professor of Italian and acting associate dean, 32
Special Education
Diana L. Krandel, lecturer, 24
Karen E. Smith, assistant director for acquisitions and project coordinator for the Early Childhood and Parenting Collaborative-Clearinghouse on Early Childhood and Parenting in the Children’s Research Center, 20
Speech and Hearing Science
Jennifer J. Cravens, adjunct instructor, 17
U. of I. Extension
Ann M. Emken, extension educator, community economic development III, 41
Susan E. Hayden, extension educator, 4-H youth development II, 15
James L. McMillan, network administrator, 19
Lorenzo Piacenza, network administrator, 14
Sheri L. Seibold, extension specialist, 4-H youth development, 34
University Housing
John E. Collins, director, 15
University Library (administration)
Rodney P. Allen, assistant dean of libraries, 16
Roxanne C. Frey, director of advancement, 14
University Office for Human Resources
Ronald G. Hazen, manager of human resources data management, 7
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Lindsey S. Wanner, veterinary research specialist, 13