In July, the UI Board of Trustees approved faculty promotions that became effective Aug. 21. Forty-seven promotions to professor and two to associate professor without change in tenure and 41 to associate professor on indefinite tenure were granted. In addition, 10 faculty members received tenure without change in rank.
* For joint appointments, second department is listed after faculty member’s name.
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
To professor without change in tenure:
Animal Sciences: H. Rex Gaskins
Food Science and Human Nutrition (Foods): Mary Susan Brewer
Food Science and Human Nutrition: William G. Helferich
Human and Community Development (Applied Family Studies): Laurie F. Kramer
Human and Community Development (Human Development): Brent A. McBride
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Agricultural Engineering: Prasanta Kumar Kalita, Lei Tian, Qin Zhang
Animal Sciences: Joseph Lee Beverly
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Animal Sciences: Geoffrey E. Dahl (associate professor)
College of Applied Life Studies
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Kinesiology: Weimo Zhu (associate professor)
College of Commerce and Business Administration
To professor without change in tenure:
Business Administration: Dilip Chhajed, Brian C. Wansink
Finance: Neil D. Pearson
College of Communications
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Journalism: Eric K. Meyer, Mirjana Sotirovic
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Institute of Communications Research: Patricia A. Gill (associate professor)
College of Education
To professor without change in tenure:
Curriculum and Instruction: Arlette I. Willis
Educational Psychology: Michelle Perry
Human Resource Education; Educational Organization and Leadership: Debra D. Bragg
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Special Education: James G. Shriner
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Educational Psychology: Katherine E. Ryan (associate professor)
College of Engineering
To professor without change in tenure:
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering: Eric Loth, Scott R. White
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Leslie J. Struble
Computer Science: David Jay Kriegman, Josep Torrellas
Electrical and Computer Engineering: Eric Michielssen
Materials Science and Engineering: David G. Cahill
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Sheldon Howard Jacobson
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (Mechanical Engineering): Ty A. Newell
Physics: Mats A. Selen
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Nancy R. Sottos
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Civil and Environmental Engineering: William G. Buttlar, Barbara S. Minsker, Erol Tutumluer
Computer Science: Dan Roth
Materials Science and Engineering: Pascal Bellon
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Chia-Fon Lee
Physics: Robert G. Leigh, Naomi C.R. Makins
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Civil and Environmental Engineering: Liang Y. Liu (associate professor)
Electrical and Computer Engineering: Nitin H. Vaidya (associate professor)
College of Fine and Applied Arts
To professor without change in tenure:
Art and Design: Anne D. Hedeman, Rosalyn D. Schwartz, Joseph C. Squier
Architecture: Paul S. Kruty
Theater: Robin McFarquhar
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Art and Design: Anne Burkus-Chasson, Julia A. Kellman
Landscape Architecture: Dianne S. Harris
Music: Gregory F. DeNardo, Guy E. Garnett, Rudolf Haken
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Theater: Henson Lee Keys (professor)
Graduate School of Library and Information Science
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Caroline Alison Haythornthwaite, Carole L. Palmer
College of Law
To professor without change in tenure:
David D. Meyer
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Jay P. Kesan* (Institute of Government and Public Affairs, University Administration)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
To professor without change in tenure:
Animal Biology: Ken N. Paige
Atmospheric Sciences: Robert M. Rauber
Biochemistry, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: Peter A. Orlean
Cell and Structural Biology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: David F. Clayton
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, School of Chemical Sciences: Richard D. Braatz, Deborah E. Leckband, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
English: Joseph P. Valente, Charles B. Wright
Entomology, School of Integrative Biology: Susan E. Fahrbach
Geography: Thomas J. Bassett
Mathematics: Nigel Boston, Alexander E. Tumanov
Program for the Study of Religion; Philosophy: Robert J. McKim
Statistics: Xuming He
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Anthropology: Alejandro Lugo, Arlene Torres
Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences: David Gin, Todd J. Martinez
East Asian Languages and Cultures; Program for the Study of Religion: Brian Douglas Ruppert
History: Clare H. Crowston
Mathematics: Jared C. Bronski
Plant Biology, School of Integrative Biology: Feng Sheng Hu
Political Science: William T. Bernhard
Psychology: Brent W. Roberts
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Microbiology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: Brenda Anne Wilson (associate professor)
College of Nursing
To clinical associate professor without change in tenure:
Administrative Nursing: Cheryl D. Schraeder* (Public Health/Mental Health, College of Nursing, UIC)
School of Social Work
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Mark F. Testa (associate professor)
University Library
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Mary C. Schlembach, Bruce Wayne Swann, Aaron J. Trehub, Lynn Norine Wiley, Gregory Keith Youngen
To indefinite tenure, no change in rank:
Paul David Healey (associate professor)
College of Veterinary Medicine
To professor without change in tenure:
Veterinary Biosciences: Susan L. Schantz
Veterinary Clinical Medicine: Sandra Manfra Marretta
Veterinary Pathobiology: Eric R. Vimr
Veterinary Pathobiology; Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory: Matthew A. Wallig* (Veterinary Programs in Agriculture, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences)
To associate professor on indefinite tenure:
Veterinary Pathobiology: Lois L. Hoyer, Jianyong Li
To clinical associate professor without change in tenure:
Veterinary Clinical Medicine: Ralph E. Hamor