NCSA Faculty Fellows selected for upcoming year The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) has chosen eight faculty members at the UI’s Urbana campus to participate in the 2002-2003 NCSA/UIUC Faculty Fellows program. The program extends opportunities in advanced computing and information technology to faculty members on the UI campus. In addition to financial support, Faculty Fellows have access to NCSA’s high performance computers, visualization and virtual reality environments, and opportunities to collaborate with colleagues, both at NCSA and at National Computational Science Alliance partner sites. The program, directed by Radha Nandkumar, is in its fourth year and awards are issued through NCSA’s Campus Relations Office which works to strengthen ties between the university research community and NCSA. More information is available at The 2002-2003 Faculty Fellows:
- Barbara Bailey, statistics, “Visualization and Diagnostics of Nonlinear Statistical Models.”
- Robert Hornbaker and Qin Zhang, agricultural and consumer economics and agricultural engineering, “Research on Computer-integrated Production Agriculture Technology.”
- Yonggang Huang, mechanical and industrial engineering, “A Computational Infrastructure for Continuum Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes.”
- Glaucio Paulino, civil and environmental engineering, “Scientific Visualization and Parallel Computing Environment for Simulating Dynamic Failure of Functionally Graded Materials.”
- Mohan Ramamurthy, atmospheric sciences, “The Development of a Cyber Infrastructure Environment for Ensemble Prediction of Hurricanes.”
- Lawrence Schook, animal sciences, “Data Mining for Determinants of Infectious Disease Susceptibility.”
- Brenda Trofanenko, curriculum and instruction, “Tracking Student Behavior and Knowledge Translation Utilizing Cultural Heritage Resources.”
A reception to introduce the FY03 Faculty Fellows will be from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. Sept. 5 in Room 5602 Beckman Institute. The reception will follow a seminar by Adrienne Perlman, professor of nutrional sciences, on “Real-Time Remote Telefluoroscopic Assessment of Patients with Dysphagia,” at 4 p.m. in Room 5269 Beckman Institute. The seminar marks the conclusion of the FY02 Faculty Fellows Seminar series. For a schedule of the FY03 Faculty Fellows Seminar series, visit