Members of the campus community are encouraged to provide feedback on the university’s performance as part of Illinois’ comprehensive evaluation for re-accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association.
A team representing the commission will be on campus Oct. 11-14 to meet with campus officials and other members of the university community to discuss the challenges that Illinois is facing, and how it has met or exceeded the NCA’s accreditation criteria as indicated in the self-study report, “Excellence, Innovation and Access,” which was part of the accreditation process.
Four open meetings – for students, faculty members, academic professional employees and civil service employees – will be held simultaneously from 4-5 p.m. Oct. 12 in locations across campus so that members of those groups have an opportunity to discuss any issues they are concerned about with NCA representatives.
The event has been designated as an approved event; employees may be released from work to attend the meeting for up to one hour without loss of pay, departmental operations permitting and with appropriate supervisory approval.
“Dozens of people have been engaged in producing the self-study, and it was gratifying for all involved to take stock of the extraordinary strengths of Illinois, of its development since the last accreditation visit, and the challenges it faces,” said Vice Provost Dick Wheeler, who led the working team that prepared the self-study report. The report was based on the findings of five campus committees that reviewed the units, activities, policies, and procedures associated with the five goals in the Urbana campus Strategic Plan.
Accreditation is a voluntary process of critical self-analysis and internal and external quality review that the UI undergoes every 10 years. The NCA, a membership organization of colleges and schools in 19 states, is one of six regional associations. The UI was first accredited in 1913, and was most recently reviewed in 1999.
The NCA review team will make a recommendation about Illinois’ status after the visit, and following a review process, the commission will decide whether to extend Illinois’ accreditation.
A copy of the self-study report is available online along with additional information about the accreditation process.
4-5 p.m. Oct. 12
• Academic professionals
(161 Noyes Lab)
• Civil service employees
( 66 Library)
• Faculty members
( 100 Gregory Hall)
• Students
( 160 English Building)