CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Hundreds of volunteers for the seventh annual Community and Campus Day of Service on the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign campus will gather Saturday, April 6, at Memorial Stadium to package 28,000 pounds of food that will be delivered to local food banks and food pantries. Ultimately, the meals will feed families in need throughout eastern Illinois.
Members of the local community and University of Illinois faculty members, staff and students will once again kick off National Volunteer Week 2019, which will take place from April 7-13, with this event that takes hundreds of volunteers.
News media interested in covering the event are encouraged to enter Memorial Stadium between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon through Gate 6 or Gate 8 and ask for Trey Price, who also may be reached at 217-300-4055.
Editor’s note: More information on the project is available at