CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Neil Rogers of Lemont, Ill., was crowned King Dad by the University of Illinois Dads Association at its annual banquet Nov. 13 during Dads Weekend festivities.
Wayne Steiner of Highland, Ill., and Joel Wherley of Beardstown, Ill., were honored as finalists at the dinner.
The Dads Association carries on the King Dad tradition originally established by the Illini Union Board more than 30 years ago. The award recognizes one special dad for his support, encouragement and inspiration. Rogers received an engraved plaque to commemorate the award.
Rogers was nominated by his daughter, Mary Rogers, and was selected from a pool of 13 nominations. Nominations required an essay describing the reasons that best illustrate why their dad should be King Dad, the best advice their dad ever gave them, local or community involvement, and what their dad would say about being nominated. A committee of the Dads Association narrowed the pool of nominations to three finalists.
Mary Rogers wrote: “The best advice my dad ever gave me is not through words. It is through his actions. His love and support for my mom, my sisters and me taught his daughters to be the strong women we are now.”
Neil Rogers rendezvoused with his daughter in Europe in the summer of 2008 when he was on business and she on a French class trip to create memories Mary Rogers treasures.
“He went out of his way to come to what would become my favorite country I ever visited – Switzerland,” she wrote. “At the top of a Swiss mountain, my dad and I went sledding, explored an ice cave and attempted to make snow sculptures.
“We also explored the city of Lucerne, where we went waltzing. He made me the belle of the ball, twirling in time to the music. Patient with my inexperience, Popsicle (Dad’s nickname) gave me advice and taught me how to follow his lead. That day was the best day in Europe and one of the best days of my life.”
The Dads and Moms associations at Illinois, established in 1922 and 1923 respectively, are believed to be the nation’s longest-serving parent organizations. The associations support programs, services and activities that promote the health, safety and well-being of the university community and serve as the parent liaison to the campus.
More information about the Dads Association and the Moms Association is available from the Parent Programs Office at 217-333-7063.