Finding money to update or replace laboratory equipment just became easier with a campus initiative recently unveiled by the offices of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Research.
Researchers have until Oct. 6 to submit proposals. The minimum request is $60,000.
“This is a strategic investment in the future of our research enterprise,” said Ilesanmi Adesida, the vice chancellor for academic affairs and provost. “We want to ensure that our researchers have the infrastructure they need to do cutting-edge work.”
Successful proposals will clearly show an overall impact on the Illinois research community, enhancing collaborations and improving access to equipment relative to other institutions.
“The idea behind the fund is to support equipment purchases that benefit multiple users and increase competitiveness for external funding,” said Peter Schiffer, the vice chancellor for research.
Funding for the program comes from Indirect Cost Recovery, money that the university retains from externally sponsored projects to support administrative and infrastructure costs.
Proposals will be reviewed by representatives from the OVCR and provost’s office, a panel of assistant deans for research, and OVCR institute directors. Evaluation criteria include the aforementioned impact on research at Illinois, as well as matching support, user demand, ability of the requesting unit to maintain the equipment and the difficulty of obtaining other funding.
Qualified purchases can be for either new equipment or upgrades to existing equipment at user facilities or in individual labs that conduct sponsored research.
Funds for the installation costs for minor associated building renovations (less than 10 percent of total cost) also are eligible for support, but salary support, information technology services, computer equipment and maintenance contracts are not.
Applications can be filed by faculty or staff members who oversee research equipment.
Equipment purchases can be for single pieces or sets that work together for a single purpose, with installation completed by the end of calendar year 2015. Funds not spent by 2016 will be recovered.
Detailed instructions on the application process, as well as the application form, are available online.
Those with smaller equipment needs are encouraged to apply for support through the Campus Research Board.