CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Six faculty members and six graduate students at the University of Illinois have been awarded fellowships to the UI’s Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities for 2002-2003.
Fellowships will support research over the coming academic year on projects that consider IPRHs new theme: “The South.” Fellows also will take part in the yearlong Fellows’ Seminar and present their research at IPRH’s annual conference in late spring 2003. Current fellows will present their research at the 2002 annual conference, which will be held April 4-7 and will focus on the 2001-2002 theme, “The Means of Reproduction.”
2002-2003 IPRH Faculty Fellows, their departments and projects:
Nancy Castro, English, “A Southern Problem Writ Large: The Caribbean as U.S. Laboratory”
S. Max Edelson, history, “Developing Plantation America: The Politics of Territorial Expansion in Virginia, South Carolina and Jamaica, 1607-1776”
Zsuzsanna Fagyal, French, “Assimilation or Clash? Contemporary Parisian French in Contact With Immigrant Languages From the South”
Lauren M.E. Goodlad, English, “Victorian Literature and Liberal Internationalism: British Encounters With the South”
Eva-Lynn Jagoe, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, “Diagonal Australity: Southern Identities in Argentine Culture”
Shannon O’Lear, geography, “Environmental and Human Security in The South: The Case of Azerbaijan”
2002-2003 IPRH Graduate Student Fellows, departments and projects:
Ian Binnington, history, ” They Have Made a Nation: Confederates and the Creation of Confederate Nationalism”
Jonathan Coit, history, “Racial Boundaries, Racial Violence: Chicago, 1916-1922”
Sherita Lavon Johnson, English, “To Speak and Be Heard: Representing Black Southern Women in American Literature”
Samuel Martland, history, “Southern Progress: Constructing Urban Improvement in Valparaiso, Chile, 1840-1918”
Giovanna Micarelli, anthropology, “The Development of Industry and Indigenous Processes of Cultural Reaffirmation in Colombian Amazonia”
Phoebe Wolfskill, art history, “The Lure of the South in Paintings by Archibald Motley Jr.”
Faculty fellows are released from one semester of teaching, with the approval of their departments and colleges. They also are asked to teach one course during the award year or the year after on a subject related to their fellowship. Graduate student fellows receive a stipend and a tuition and fee waiver from IPRH.
All IPRH Fellows are expected to remain in residence on the UI campus during the award year and to participate in the program’s annual conference and related activities, including the monthly interdisciplinary Fellows Seminar.
Because the term “The South” may be taken to represent varied forms of cultural, geographical, moral or political difference, “the topic will allow faculty and graduate students in a wide variety of disciplines from the history of philosophy and art to the history of science, from literary and cultural studies to historical and anthropological studies to develop ideas and scholarship that reflect on the place of The South in the human imagination,” said Suvir Kaul, director of IPRH and professor of English.
Applications for the IPRH Fellowships are typically distributed in the early fall for the following academic year, and UI faculty and graduate students are invited to apply for the awards, which each year follow a different thematic topic.
IPRH was established in 1997 to promote interdisciplinary study in the humanities, arts and social sciences. In addition to its fellowship program and annual conference, IPRH also invites speakers of national and international reputation to address the campus and the fellows on the years topic.
IPRH also provides financial support to faculty and graduate student Reading Groups and hosts a yearlong film series coordinated with the annual theme.
More information about the IPRH Fellowship Programs can be found at or by contacting Christine Catanzarite, IPRH’s associate director, at (217) 244-3344.