CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Thirteen University of Illinois undergraduates were offered federally funded Gilman Scholarships to study abroad during the summer, fall, and academic year 2011-12 terms, placing Illinois among the top five institutions nationally this year in number of Gilman recipients.
The scholarship provides financially needy students who are eligible for federal Pell Grants with scholarships of up to $5,000 to study abroad. Illinois recipients were among the 1,500 awardees nationally from the 5,100 applicants for these terms.
U. of I. designees come from the colleges of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences; Applied Health Sciences; Business; and Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Most of the 13 students are studying abroad for a full year.
U. of I. recipients, their programs, and destinations (EDITORS: See list).
The Gilman Scholarship Program aims to diversify the kinds of students who study abroad and the countries and regions to which they go. The program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and administered by the Institute of International Education.
At Illinois, administration of the nationally competitive Gilman Scholarship is shared between the Office of Student Financial Aid, which advertises the award; campus study abroad offices that certify applications; and the National and International Scholarships Program that offers reviews of student materials and provides feedback to Illinois applicants. Applications for spring 2012 Gilman study abroad scholarships are due Oct. 4.
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS – Karolina Wasiniewska, senior, political science, Instituto San Joaquin de Flores, Costa Rica, fall 2011
BEACH PARK – Fahd Hussain, sophomore, molecular and cellular biology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, summer 2011
CHICAGO 60608 – Eda Xian, senior in biochemistry, University of Hong Kong exchange, academic year 2011-2012
CHICAGO 60616 – Suyun Cai, senior, accountancy, LAS-East Asian languages and cultures, year in Japan, academic year 2011-2012
CHICAGO 60641 – Marcin Michniowski, sophomore, political science, LAS-East Asian languages and cultures, year in Japan, academic year 2011-2012
CHICAGO 60656 – Ashley Doruelo, junior, molecular and cellular biology, Newcastle pre-medicine, United Kingdom, academic year 2011-2012
DES PLAINES – Richard Dembinski, senior, global studies, Universidad San Francisco de Quito exchange, Ecuador, fall 2011
HOFFMAN ESTATES – Sharon Lee, junior, global studies, LAS-East Asian languages and cultures, year in Japan, academic year 2011-2012
MORTON GROVE – Dana Vattanavanitkul, junior, East Asian languages and cultures, Keio University Exchange, Japan, academic year 2011-2012
PALATINE – Gina Chung, junior, applied health sciences, Committee on Institutional Cooperation health, nutrition and environment, Dominican Republic, fall 2011
RIVERSIDE – Lindsey Stirek, senior, International Studies, LAS-East Asian languages and cultures, year in Japan, academic year 2011-2012
ROLLING MEADOWS – Bianca Serrato, senior, international studies, Institute for the International Education of Students Barcelona, Spain, fall 2011
SAVANNA – Reese Hartmann, senior, agricultural and consumer economics, Bogazici University exchange, Turkey, academic year 2011-2012