CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Eligible University of Illinois employees will have a new option for providing care for their mildly ill children beginning Oct. 1.
Eligible employees will be entitled to 24 hours of subsidized care each fiscal year (July1 to June 30) as part of the Sniffles and Sneezes pilot program.
To be eligible, employees must be residents of Champaign County, must have been working more than half-time for at least nine months, and must be eligible for the State University Retirement System. The program will provide care for children age 12 and younger, or older mildly ill children with special needs who cannot be left alone. In both cases, the children must be members of the eligible employees’ immediate families.
“The program is part of the Success by 6 initiative, a group of community employers working together to improve child-care services for their employees,” Richard Herman, the interim chancellor of the Urbana campus, said in announcing the program. The program is a result of a cooperative agreement with Family Service of Champaign County, he said.
Parents are required to pre-register their children for participation in the program.
To learn more about the program and to pre-register, visit the Family Service Homecare Web site.
Questions regarding the program should be directed to Family Services, 888-858-5195. For questions regarding eligibility, call Mary Ellen O’Shaughnessy, associate director of academic human resources, 333-7466. Additional information about child-care programs can be accessed through the Child Care Resource Service.