There still is no end date to the university’s Benefit Choice period, which began May 1 because not all health contracts for FY2013 have been finalized.
But now, at least, there are some choices.
Jim Davito, the executive director of University Payroll and Benefits, said May 15 that four managed-care options are available for employees.
And more plans could be added as state officials continue to negotiate with providers, he said.
“It is still highly recommended that employees delay making health plan changes until all health plan contracts are finalized,” Davito said in a massmail to campus employees.
Plans now available include Quality Care Health Plan (Cigna), BlueAdvantage HMO, HMO Illinois, Coventry OAP (formerly PersonalCare OAP) and HealthLink OAP.
“At this time, (these) health plans are available for FY2013 and will be available in the same counties as they are in the current plan year,” he said.
Davito said that when more information becomes available, a complete list of health plans will be provided to employees, and that “employees will be given sufficient time to make their health plan decision and election.”
UI employees must use the online NESSIE Benefit Choice enrollment form.