The Allerton Park and Retreat Center near Monticello is doing its part for the environment. Its sustainability efforts include the recent installation of an outdoor wood-burning boiler that heats five park buildings: the visitor’s center greenhouse, public restrooms, operations building and two workshops.

The initiatives were made possible with the aid of a $25,500 Student Sustainability Committee grant. The boiler will save the park more than $10,000 in heating bills per year.
Park officials were notified recently that proposed geothermal projects, which will provide an alternative energy source for four buildings in the park, which include the visitor’s center main building, Evergreen Lodge, gatehouse and House in the Woods, have received $23,000 of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds from the state. The project also has received tentative approval for a $25,000 zero-interest loan from the SSC. The entire project is estimated to cost $82,000.