Glowing reviews Six-year-old Jessica Gilbert (above) examines a pumpkin carved in the likeness of architect Susan Maxman, who designed the Cusano Environmental Education Center at Heinz National Wilflife Refuge in Philadelphia, Pa. The pumpkin was created by Uhn Choi and Jaeyual Lee, students in professor Mike Andrejasich’s Introduction to Architecture class. For the Jack ‘o’ Architect project, Andrejasich challenged student teams to carve pumpkins in the likenesses of renowned 20th-century architects or an example of an architect’s work. A “Jack o’ Frank Lloyd Wright” (right), carved by Tim Ozog and Denver Rassi, tied for second place in the competition, which was held Oct. 31 in the atrium of Temple Buell Hall and was judged by graduate students from the American Institute of Architects, the Student Advisory Council and the National Organization of Minority Architects. Gilbert is the daughter of Maureen Gilbert, coordinator of campus programs for the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services.
Photo by L. Brian Stauffer