Jonathan B. Freund, the Donald Biggar Willett Professor in the departments of mechanical science and engineering and aerospace engineering, will receive the Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award.
Four Illinois faculty will be formally honored with Campus Awards for Excellence in Faculty Leadership at an April 25 dinner tonight.
The Office of the Provost sponsors the campus-level awards in recognition of excellence in faculty leadership for those faculty who distinguish themselves with their vision of the future and their effort to enable and promote others in shaping that future. Each of the three awards includes a $2,000 honorarium and a personalized commemorative plaque.

Professor Matthew Ando, the chair of the department of mathematics, will receive the Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award.
The Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to faculty mentoring by actively assisting pre-tenure and mid-career faculty in developing their career(s). Jonathan B. Freund, the Donald Biggar Willett Professor in the departments of mechanical science and engineering and aerospace engineering, is this year’s recipient.
The Executive Officer Distinguished Leadership Award recognizes outstanding academic leadership and vision by an executive officer within a college or campus unit. Up to two awards may be given annually. Professor Matthew Ando, the chair of the department of mathematics,

Rashid Bashir, the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, head of the department of bioengineering and interim vice dean of the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, will receive the Executive Officer Leadership Award.
is the first recipient. The second recipient is Rashid Bashir, the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, head of the department of bioengineering and interim vice dean of the Carle Illinois College of Medicine.
The Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award recognizes a faculty member who has provided extraordinary leadership contributions across many dimensions of shared governance that advance the excellence of a department, a college and/or the campus, and who exemplifies the campus commitment to collaborative decision-making. This year’s recipient is William J. Maher, a professor and university archivist with the University Library.

William J. Maher, a professor and university archivist with the University Library, will receive the Outstanding Faculty Leadership Award.
For more information about these awards and to see previous recipients, visit the Provost’s Office website.