CHAMPAIGN, Ill. A community forum, “Responding to the Attack on New York and Washington: Security, Retaliation and Diplomacy,” is scheduled to take place at the University of Illinois on Sept. 19.
The forum, which is free and open to the public, is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. in the Foellinger Auditorium, 709 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana.
The program will include comments from a panel of UI experts, followed by questions and comments from the audience and brief responses from the panel.
Paul Diehl, professor of political science, who has done extensive research on international and internal conflict.
Julian Palmore, professor of mathematics, editor of Phalanx, a bulletin published by the Military Operations Research Society.
Richard Jaehne, director of the Illinois Fire Service Institute, former Marine Corps commandant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Operations School in Oberammergau, Gemany, who serves on Gov. George Ryans task force on terrorism.
Gale Summerfield, director of the Women and Gender in Global Perspectives Program, who has done extensive research on women and development.
Monsignor Stuart Swetland, director of the Newman Foundation and adjunct professor of religious studies, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and former Navy submariner.
Introductory remarks will be made by Clifford Singer, director of the Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security. The panel will be moderated by Earl Kellogg, associate provost for international affairs.
The forum is being organized by ACDIS in cooperation with political science professor Paul Quirk, and is sponsored by International Programs and Studies and the Institute for Government and Public Affairs.