CHAMPAIGN, Ill. Francine D. Blau, the Frances Perkins professor of industrial and labor relations at Cornell University, will address the pay gap between men and women at the Milton Derber Lecture at 3 p.m. Friday (March 30) in the Wagner Education Center of the Labor and Industrial Relations Building, 504 E. Armory Ave., Champaign.
Her lecture is titled “The Gender Pay Gap: Going, Going But Not Gone.”
A University of Illinois professor of economics and labor and industrial relations between 1983 and 1994, Blau is the author of “Equal Pay in the Office” and, with UI economist Marianne A. Ferber and Anne E. Winkler, of “The Economics of Women, Men and Work.”
She has served as president of the Midwest Economics Association, vice president of the American Economics Association and is currently research director of Cornell’s School of Industrial and Labor Relations.
The Derber Lecture, sponsored by the UI Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations, is free and open to the public.