Strategic Communications and Marketing News Bureau

For Faculty and Staff

Our editors and writers work with faculty members and researchers to produce and distribute news of the innovative research and faculty expertise at Illinois.

Communicating news about Illinois research and expertise

The News Bureau covers research and expertise that has intrinsic news value or expertise strongly related to events or issues cycling through the news. The News Bureau shares news and expertise through a number of different vehicles, including news releases, Expert Viewpoints interviews, Behind the Scenes photo essays and media advisories.

  • News releases: The research and expertise spotlighted by the News Bureau has news potential beyond the discipline and the campus community.
  • Expert viewpoints: These Q&A interviews feature Illinois experts on a trending topic or current events.
  • Behind the scenes: Behind the scenes posts showcase first-person perspectives, photos and videos from Illinois faculty, researchers, students and staff about their work and lives.

Work with the News Bureau

The best way for a faculty member to communicate news about their research or expertise is to work with the News Bureau in the following ways:

  • Connect with your News Bureau beat editor via email, an in-person or online meeting so they’re familiar with your research and area of expertise.
  • Share updates on important projects as soon as you hear about them.
  • Contact us immediately about expertise that’s directly relevant to a developing news event or issue.

Learn what the News Bureau doesn’t cover

Every faculty member’s work is important, but even truly significant work within a field is not always of interest to the news media or general public.
There are certain stories that the News Bureau typically doesn’t cover. They include:

  • Edited books by multiple authors.
  • Papers on which an Illinois faculty member is not the lead author.
  • Most grant awards, faculty presentations, retirements, unit anniversaries, awards and honors.
  • Campus talks or conferences — except when a speaker of obvious public prominence is involved, and the event is free and open to the public.

Explore media training

An interview with the news media is an opportunity to deliver your story, represent your unit and showcase the university. Our media relations experts can teach you the essentials to achieving a good outcome. Learn more about media training.

Get to know your CCO

Communications staff members serving in the CCO role provide their colleges and units with leadership and expertise in marketing, communications and news media interactions. Find your CCO.

It’s also helpful to familiarize yourself with your unit’s communication channels, including newsletters, announcements, social media accounts, blogs and any internal faculty lists. Any of those could be a helpful channel for your news.

Strategic Communications and Marketing News Bureau

507 E. Green St
Champaign, IL 61820


Phone (217) 333-5010