CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Five University of Illinois graduate students have been awarded FMC Technologies Inc. fellowships. The fellowships support graduate students in engineering, chemistry, business administration and related fields.
This year’s awardees are Utsav Agrawal, of Bhopal, India, a doctoral student in chemical engineering; Piyush Gupta, of Bhilwara, India, a doctoral student in civil engineering; Priyanka Kushwaha, of Indore, India, a master’s student in business administration; Matthias Uhl, of Noerdlingen, Germany, a master’s student in business administration; Augusto Yim Alvarado, of Lima, Peru, a master’s student in civil and environmental engineering, and in business administration.
Awardees were selected on the basis of academic and professional achievement and the intellectual merit of their proposed projects.
Master’s-level awardees receive a $12,000 fellowship; doctoral-level awardees receive a $20,000 fellowship. All awardees receive a tuition waiver along with coverage of mandatory fees.
The FMC fellowship program provides about $360,000 annually for undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships at each of the three U. of I. campuses. The program was established in 1971 by a donation from university alumnus Bert A. Gayman. Gaymen, a Champaign, Ill., native, earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering in 1897, then spent his entire career with Link-Belt, a Chicago-based technologies company that later became FMC Technologies Inc.