Fellows announced for Community Informatics Institute
Under the auspices of the Illinois Informatics Institute, the Community Informatics Initiative received funds from the Provost’s Office to integrate community informatics into various disciplines across campus. In April, a CII committee awarded seed grants to nine faculty projects. These recipients will be appointed CII Fellows for 2009-10, collaborating with CII and sharing their work in the CII research series. The fellows and their project titles:
Annie Abbott, director of Advanced Spanish Language and a professor of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, “Reaching More Latina/os: Using Social Media and Spanish Service Learning to Expand Services to Local and Rural Non-Profits.
Ian Brooks, research scientist at the National Center of Supercomputing Applications, “Culture-Sensitive Interface Design for an Endemic Disease Information System.”
Ruth Nicole Brown, a professor of gender and women’s studies and of educational policy studies, “When I Look At You: Portraits and Performances of Black Girlhood in Everyday Life.”
Lynne M. Dearborn, a professor of architecture, and Lisa K. Bates, a professor of urban and regional planning; “Community Housing Needs Assessment for Metro East St. Louis.”
Rebecca J. Ginsburg, a professor of landscape architecture, “A Safe Space For Learning: Creating a Higher Education Community at a Medium-High Security Illinois Prison.”
Laura Lawson, director of East St. Louis Action Research Project and a professor of landscape architecture, “Participatory Design to Revitalize Public Space in Sao Tome, West Africa.”
Deana McDonagh, a professor of industrial design, of gender and women’s studies and of the Beckman Institute; and Susann Heft Sears, Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services, Applied Health Sciences; M. Lydia Khuri, program coordinator in the Housing Division; “Disability + Relevant Design – Social Inclusion Component.”
Stephen J. Notaro, lecturer in kinesiology and community health, “GIS Analysis of Patient Origin and Diagnosis at a Free Health Clinic.”
Lissette M. Piedra, a professor of social work, “Puentes y Estrellas del Mar: Using Community Informatics to Build Enduring Service Infrastructures in New Growth Communities.”