Seventy-three faculty members receive promotions, four tenure without change in rank In July, the UI Board of Trustees approved faculty promotions that became effective Aug. 21. Thirty-five promotions to professor without change in tenure and 38 to associate professor on indefinite tenure were granted. In addition, four faculty members received tenure without change in rank. * For joint appointments, second department is listed after faculty member’s name.
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences To professor without change in tenure: Agricultural and Consumer Economics: Bruce J. Sherrick. Randall E. Westgren To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Animal Sciences: Sandra Luisa Rodriguez-Zas Crop Sciences (Biometry): German A. Bollero Human and Community Development (Family Studies): Ramona Faith Oswald Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences: Thomas B. Voigt, Daniel F. Warnock College of Applied Life Studies To professor without change in tenure: Speech and Hearing Science: Ruth V. Watkins To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Speech and Hearing Science: Nicoline G. Ambrose College of Business To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Business Administration: Nicholas C. Petruzzi College of Communications To professor without change in tenure: Institute of Communications Research: Angharad N. Valdivia College of Education To professor without change in tenure: Educational Policy Studies: Laurence John Parker Educational Psychology: Elizabeth A.L. Stine-Morrow To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Curriculum and Instruction: Fouad Abdel-Khalick, Eurydice Bauer Educational Psychology: Allison M. Ryan Human Resource Education: Steven R. Aragon, Alexandre A. Ardichvili College of Engineering To professor without change in tenure: Aerospace Engineering: Petros G. Voulgaris Electrical and Computer Engineering: Naresh R. Shanbhag, Rayadurgam Srikant Materials Science and Engineering: Duane Douglas Johnson Mechanical and Industrial Engineering: Mark A. Shannon Physics: Paul R. Selvin Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: K. Jimmy Hsia, Petros Sofronis To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Civil and Environmental Engineering: Youssef M.A. Hashash. Lucio Soibelman Computer Science: Jeff G. Erickson. Steven M. LaValle Electrical and Computer Engineering: Steven Sam Lumetta General Engineering: Carolyn L. Beck, Francesco Bullo Physics: Taekjip Ha Theoretical and Applied Mechanics: Jonathan Freund College of Fine and Applied Arts To professor without change in tenure: Music: Ollie Watts Davis To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Art and Design: Jordana S. Mendelson Music: William Moersch Graduate School of Library and Information Science To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Allen H. Renear (associate professor) College of Law To professor without change in tenure: Jay P. Kesan College of Liberal Arts and Sciences To professor without change in tenure: Anthropology: Helaine I. Silverman Cell and Structural Biology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: Jonathan J. Henry Chemistry, School of Chemical Sciences: Yi Lu, Zaida Ann Luthey-Schulten, Todd J. Martinez Entomology, School of Integrative Biology: James Bryan Whitfield History: Poshek Fu Linguistics: Adele Eva Goldberg Mathematics: Steven B. Bradlow, John M. Sullivan Plant Biology, School of Integrative Biology: Stephen R. Downie, Raymond E. Zielinski Psychology: Cynthia L. Fisher, Karl S. Rosengren (Kinesiology, College of Applied Life Studies) Sociology: Gillian A. Stevens (Advertising, College of Business) To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Astronomy: Charles Forbes Gammie (Physics, College of Engineering) Atmospheric Sciences: Larry Di Girolamo Cell and Structural Biology, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology: Jie Chen English: Joshua Dwight Esty History: Adam David Sutcliffe Mathematics: Scott David Ahlgren, Iwan M. Duursma, Kevin Ford Sociology: Michael Robert Goldman, Rachel Arna Schurman Speech Communication: David H. Tewksbury To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Sociology: Jan P. Nederveen Pieterse (professor) School of Social Work To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Steven G. Anderson, Mary Keegan Eamon To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Teresa Jacobsen (associate professor) University Library To indefinite tenure, no change in rank: Linda Graves Ackerson (associate professor) College of Veterinary Medicine To professor without change in tenure: Veterinary Biosciences: Indrani C. Bagchi Veterinary Clinical Medicine: Peter D. Constable, Jonathan H. Foreman Veterinary Pathobiology: Silvia N.J. Moreno To associate professor on indefinite tenure: Veterinary Pathobiology: Lawrence D. Firkins (Veterinary Programs in Agriculture, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences), Tony L. Goldberg