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Faculty members, academic professionals retire

[ Email | Share ] Between Sept. 1, 2009, and Aug. 31, 2010, 270 faculty members and academic professionals retired from the UI, according to the Office of Academic Human Resources. Of those new retirees, 171 retired under the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program or Voluntary Retirement Program. (Last year, during the same time, 143 academic employees retired.)

ACES Information Technology and Communication Services

Gary L. Beaumont, media communications specialist and visiting teaching associate, 39

James. L. Hamilton, media communications specialist, 13

Paul C. Hixson, assistant dean and director, ITCS, 41

Academic Outreach

Tony M. Suttle, instructional media planner, 27

Administrative Information Technology Services

Roger R. Schaffner, senior software engineer, 8

Aerospace Engineering

Carrie A. Pitard, research and policy analyst, 7

Agricultural and Consumer Economics

Robert L. Thompson, Gardner Chair in Agricultural Policy, 6

Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, College of (administration)

Karen S. Decker, grants and contracts specialist and visiting assistant to director of the Environmental Change Institute, 8

Danny R. Erickson, training coordinator, 31

Ruth A. Green, plant care facilities coordinator, 9

Paulette J. Sancken, director of communication, 21

Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Jay D. Davis, research specialist in agriculture, 11

Alumni Relations and Records

Paula Gray Havlik, director of advancement initiatives, 27

Animal Biology

Gregory S. Whitt, professor, 41

Animal Sciences

Janice M. Bahr, professor of physiology, 40

Alan R. Cobb, senior research specialist in agriculture, 35

George C. Fahey, interim assistant dean and Kraft Food Human Nutrition Endowed Professor, 34

Bill A. Fisher, researcher, 22

Darrel J. Kesler, professor emeritus and campus honors faculty member, 32

Michael R. Murphy, professor of nutrition, 30

Douglas F. Parrett, interim associate head, 37

Roger D. Shanks, professor of genetics, 31


William H. Erwin, associate professor, 31

Henry S. Plummer, professor, 29

Art and Design, School of

Eric R. Hostetter, professor, 20

Stanley S. Shaw, coordinator of the 3D Lab, 18


Richard M. Crutcher, professor, 36

Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

Joyce A. Woodworth, coordinator of research programs, 21

Biobehavioral Health Sciences

Nancy J. Pogue, clinical assistant professor, 21

Biotechnology Center

Virginia K. Lukas, research specialist in life sciences, 31

Bureau of Economic and Business Research

Joseph E. Finnerty, professor emeritus, 26

Business and Financial Services, Office of

Benefits Services

Martin B. Bailey, manager of system services, 16

University Accounting and Financial Reporting

Paul D. Walters, assistant director, 15

University Strategic Procurement

Philip M. Abruzzi, chief procurement officer, 5

Business, College of (administration)

Lanny Arvan, chief information officer, associate dean and associate professor, 30

George V. Freeman, director of facilities and resource planning, 22

C.K. Gunsalus, professor, associate dean, coordinator of undergraduate education, 30

Campus Parking

Tamara G. Ingram, coordinator of parking and training, 29

Campus Recreation

Robert W. McGrew, assistant director, 30

Career Center

Gregory F. Hatch, assistant director, 21

Judith Martinez, assistant director 24

Karen Paulsen, associate director, 25

Margaret A. Schrock, adjunct clinical instructor

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Richard I. Masel, Fox Family Professor and department affiliate in electrical and computer engineering, 32

Chemical Sciences, School of

Vera V. Mainz, internal director of mass spectrometer and spectroscopist, 27

James P. Wentz, research engineer, 23


Dorothy A. Gordon, assistant to the department head, 29

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Grzegorz Banas, principal research engineer, 24

Committee on Institutional Cooperation

Russell W. Snyder, associate director, 21


Thomas M. Conley, professor, 30

Kay B. Holley, teaching associate, 28

Comparative Biosciences

Gary A. Iwamoto, professor, 23

Murli Manohar, professor, 32

Sharon H. Meachum, veterinary research specialist, 25

Construction Management

Robert F. Hannah, capital construction project manager, 18

David P. Marker, capital construction project manager, 25

James E. Spese, capital construction project manager, 27

Coordinated Science Lab

Lila A. Rhoades, coordinator of research programs, 23

Creative Services

Larry R. Ecker, director, 24

Crop Sciences

Nancy R. Pataky, extension specialist, 24

Lyle E. Paul, agronomist, 35

Dianne K. Pedersen, research specialist in agriculture, 29

Robert M. Skirvin, campus honors faculty member and professor, 34

Dennis J. Thomas, agronomist, 31

Center for Training and Professional Development

Lorraine P. Sherod, director, 5

Curriculum and Instruction

Cheryll L. Douglas, director of the Office of Clinical Experience, 11

Nancy L. Johnson, adjunct lecturer and teaching associate, 10

Dean of Students, Office of

Abigail B. Broga, assistant dean, 30

Disability Resources and Educational Services, Division of

Bryan A. McMurray, supervisor, sensory accommodations and adaptive technologies, 16

Martin I. Morse, teaching associate, 25

Division of Management Information

Elizabeth R. Weiss, research information specialist, 24


Jeffrey L. Carlson, visiting associate professor, 10

Educational Psychology

Richard C. Anderson, professor, 47

James W. Hannum, clinical professor, 28

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Donna J. Brown, associate professor emeritus and research associate professor, 31

Key-Yung Cheng, professor and research professor, 23

Dilip Sarwate, professor and research professor, 37

Engineering, College of (administration)

Debbi L. Dillman, research programmer, 30

John D. Williams, engineering teaching lab specialist, 16


Claire J. Billing, academic adviser, 20

Joseph P. Valente, professor, 15


Karen S. Pruiett, research specialist in life sciences, 9

Facilities and Services

Timothy M. Hoss, coordinator of campus waste management, 21

Terry W. Ruprecht, director of energy conservation, 22


David A. Lins, professor, 37

Fire Service Institute

Russell D. Bales, assistant fire education specialist, 7

David F. Clark, deputy director, 35

Marcia Miller, director of budget and resource planning, 9

Food Science and Human Nutrition

Scott E. Martin, professor emeritus, 34


Armine K. Mortimer, professor and professor of criticism and interpretive theory, 35


Bruce D. Hannon, Jubilee Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 45

Colin E. Thorn, professor, 31


Caroline M. Hibbard, associate professor, 37

Lillian Hoddeson, professor and Siebel Endowed Chair, 30

Human and Community Development

Cheryl E. Adams, training coordinator, 20

Cathy Colbert Inman, visiting program coordinator, 9

Cynthis J. Erickson, Extension specialist and program coordinator, 33

Diane W. Marlin, coordinator of research programs, 10

Jeri P. Marxman, extension specialist, 39

Debra S. Medlyn, teaching associate, 25

Human Resource Education

John C. Ory, director, 33

Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering

Donna J. Eiskamp, coordinator for graduate programs, 24

Illinois Natural History Survey

Steven B. Amundsen, ornithologist, 20

Michael Jeffords, education and outreach coordinator and entomologist, 37

Gail E. Kampmeier, entomologist, 30

Richard L. Larimore, wetland plant ecologist, 13

John C. Marlin, acting director and principal research scientist, 13

David P. Philipp, research professor, 29

Susan L. Post, biological control specialist, 18

Charles E. Warwick, publications coordinator, 9

Illinois Public Media

Henry D. Frayne, creative specialist, 23

Illinois State Geological Survey

Mei-In M. Chou, organic chemist, 9

Wayne T. Frankie, geoscience outreach coordinator, 6

Beverly L. Herzog, assistant to the director, environmental initiatives, 29

Ivan G. Krapac, senior geochemist and head, 8

Thomas Rice, scientific editor, 7

Massoud Rostam-Abadi, principal chemical engineer and head, 7

Beverly Seyler, senior geologist and head, 7

Lisa R. Smith, associate geologist, 19

Illinois State Water Survey

Richard L. Allgire, hydrologist, 25

Michael E. Caughey, atmospheric chemist, 22

Joyce M. Changnon, associate director for administrative services, 13

Brian W. Kaiser, associate chemist, 29

Mary H. Lefaivre, quality assurance/site safety coordinator, 31

Jane E. Rothert, chemist, 25

Illinois Sustainable Technology Center

Gary O. Bordson, senior chemist, 10

Malcolm F. Boyle, environmental engineer, 11

Katherine M. Day, assistant director for administrative services, 13

Theresa M. Tam, senior chemist, 11

Institute of Communications Research

Clifford Christians, professor and research professor, 39

Institutional Review Board

Bruce W. Deason, human subjects coordinator, 3

Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of

Richard W. Barnes, communications manager, 25

Andrew F. Dixon, equipment manager, 29

Michael E. Hatfield, associate director of development, 29

Internal Medicine

Robert W. Kirby, associate dean for clinical affairs and clinical professor, 25

International Programs and Studies

Michael A. Mazzocco, associate professor, 24

Thomas S. Ulen, professor, campus honors faculty member and Swanlund Chair, 33

International Research Relations

Jesse G. Delia, professor and research professor, 39

Kinesiology and Community Health

Karen A. Iehl-Morse, visiting teaching associate, 30

Labor and Employment Relations, School of

Connie M. Johnson, director of budget and resource planning, 27

Helena H. Worthen, clinical associate professor, 11

Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of (administration)

Phyllis A. Vanlandingham, adjunct lecturer and director of secondary education, 20


Josephine Z. Kibbee, George A. Miller Program chair, professor and reference library head, 20

Kathleen M. Kluegel, associate professor of library administration and English librarian, 30

Jounghyoun K. Lee, assistant professor of library administration and assistant English librarian, 24

Library (administration)

Darlene J. Chirolas, research information specialist, 39

Bernice Harrington, program administrator, 16

Library and Information Science, Graduate School of

Paul T. Adams, coordinator of research programs, 12

Bertram C. Bruce, professor, 20

Lynn M. Hanson, lecturer and research information specialist, 21

Caroline Haythornthwaite, professor, 14

MBA Program (administration)

Deborah A. Tolbert, resource and policy analyst, 12

Materials Research Lab

Ivan G. Petrov, adjunct professor, principal research scientist, 22


C.W. Henson, professor, 35

Kenneth B. Stolarsky, professor, 42

McKinley Health Center

Jose Agusti, psychiatric social worker, 18

Connie L. Maske, assistant director of clinical support services, 16

Medical Microbiology

Dixie D. Whitt, assistant professor, 41

Medical Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Philip M. Best, associate dean and professor, 31

Orrin D. Sherwood, professor of physiology, 37


Gui-Rong Wang, research specialist in life sciences, 24

Minority Student Affairs

Priscilla J. Fortier, assistant dean of students, 27

Molecular and Integrative Physiology

Albert S. Feng, professor, Beckman Institute affiliate, Romano Scholar, 33

Esmail Meisami, associate professor and life sciences teaching lab specialist, 24

Molecular and Cellular Biology, School of

Mark J. Nilges, research assistant professor, 29


Rex D. Anderson, specialist in audio services, 34

Zack D. Browning, associate professor, 27

John W. Grashel, associate professor, 19

Edward A. Rath, associate director and assistant professor, 22

Tom R. Ward, professor, 41


Anita J. Broeren, assistant director, 11

Patricia A. Kobel, business operations specialist, 34

Doru I. Marcusiu, assistant director, 24

John Quinn, software engineer, 14

Robert B. Wilhelmson, professor and senior research scientist, 44

Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences

Jeffrey O. Dawson, professor, 33

Wesley M. Jarrell, interim director of Environmental Change Institute, professor, 7

Richard E. Warner, professor, director of the Office of Sustainability, director of the Water Resource Center, 40

News Bureau

James E. Kloeppel, research editor, 14

Melissa A. Mitchell, editorial associate, 25

Nuclear Plasma and Radiological Engineering

George H. Miley, professor, 49


Edwin C. Hahn, associate dean for research and advanced studies, associate professor, assistant dean of research leadership/veterinary program, 29

James F. Zachary, professor emeritus and Beckman Institute affiliate, 31


Mary K. Buetow, clinical professor, 24


Patrick L. Maher, acting associate chair and professor, 26


Gordon A. Baym, CAS professor of physics and George and Ann Fischer professor, 47

Michael J. Haney, research engineer, 32

David W. Hertzog, professor, 24

Planning and Design

Steven P. Hesselschwerdt, associate director for space management, 21

Plant Biology

John M. Chesseman, professor, 33

Police Training Institute

Krystal L. Fitzpatrick, director and public safety associate, 34


William F. Brewer, professor, 41

Earle F. Heffley, director of technology, 37

Gladys D. Hunt, coordinator of program development and outreach, 16

Research Safety, Division of

Marion Knight, radiation safety professional, 10

Michael H. Vodkin, biological safety professional, 23

Russian East European and Eurasian Center

Merrily Shaw, assistant to the director, 31

Safety and Compliance

Jerri L. Wilkerson, coordinator of special programs, 10

Social Work, School of

Constance J. Arseneau, clinical assistant professor and director of field education, 12

Spurlock Museum

Dee A. Robbins, business manager, 36

Sponsored Programs and Research Administration, Office of

Vicki M. Fair, assistant director, 14


Adam T. Martinsek, professor, 29

Student Affairs

Thomas E. Grayson, assessment program coordinator, 20

Student Financial Aid

Gail Dahlstedt, student financial aid administrator, 21

Sustainability, Office of

Richard E. Warner, director and director of the Water Resource Center, professor, 40


Laura B. Brinkley, teaching associate, 15

UI Extension

Wilbon Anthony, extension educator, 4-H youth development III, 34

Susan J. Bandy, exention unit educator, youth development, CLV II, 13

Eddie Billingsley, county extension director III, 6

Janet R. Burnett, county extension director III, 27

Shirley E. Camp, extension educator, nutrion and wellness, III, 37

Marianette D. Campbell, extension educator, communication and marketing III and interim county executive director, 28

Beverly A. Combs, extension educator, nutrition and wellness III, 40

James E. Cullison, senior extension adviser, Farm Bureau Farm Management, 30

Myrtle A. Deloach, county extension director I, 7

Linda D. Duewer, county extension director II, 32

James G. Endress, extension education, farm business management, marketing, III, 24

Dennis R. Epplin, extension educator, crop systems III, and interim county extnsion director, 38

Donna L. Falconnier, extension educator, nutrition and wellness III, 34

David B. Fischer, extension educator, animal systems III, 39

Robert W. Frazee, extension educator, natural resource management III, 38

Susan M. Grup, extension educator, environmental sciences III, 20

Darla P. Heath, county extension director, 28

Patricia Hildebrand, extension education, consumer and family economics III, 38

William L. Johnson, training specialist, Business Innovation Services, 4

Millicent M. Kaiser, extension educator, family life III, 30

Sharon L. Kuhns, county extension director III, 26

Marjorie C. Lafont, extension eductor, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program III, 39

David E. McMurtry, extension educator, youth development II, 28

Donald E. Meyer, county extension director III, 27

James A. Morrison, extension educator, crop systems II, 39

Lawrence Paszkiewicz, county extension director III, 39

Sharon R. Petefish, assistant professor (extension specialist), 4-H youth development, 37

Deborah J. Pflasterer, county extension director III, 33

Michael D. Plumer, extension educator, natural resource management III, 35

Evelyn A. Prasse, extension educator, consumer and family economics III, 29

Joyce S. Pyatt, exension unit educator, family life and consumer economics III, 4

Paula D. Robinson, county extension director III, 35

Diane G. Ryals, extension unit educator, family life III, 27

Thomas L. Schingoethe, associate regional director, 40

Camille M. Seguin, extension educator, family life III, 39

David W. Seibert, extension educator, animal systems III, 42

Sandra K. Shetler, extension specialist, educational technology III, 22

Debora D. Simmons, extension educator, youth development II, 35

Linda L. Smith, county extension director III, 36

Lois E. Smith, extension educator, consumer and family economics III, 30

Melinda J. States, extension educator, youth development III, 34

Judith M. Taylor, extension educator, youth development III, 22

Joan C. Todd, extension educator, nutrition and wellness III, 42

Sarah A. Todd, extension educator, nutrition and wellness III, 22

John R. Waldrop, county extension director III, 28

Larry W. Wilson, interim county extension director and extension educator CED II, 31

Martha J. Winter, extension educator, nutrition and wellness III, 25

J.K. Worner, county extension director I, 11

Undergraduate Admissions

Glen L. Whitmer, director of budget and human resources, 26

University Laboratory High School

Karen S. Cooley, director of advancement, 33

University Press

Copenhaver Cumpston, art director, 14

Lisa H. Emerson, manager of budget and resource planning, 32

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Mary J. Chladny, senior veterinary research specialist, 26

Tina S. Croix, veterinary research specialist, 34

Carol A. Lichtensteiger, clinical assistant professor of pathology, 18

Veterinary Medicine, College of (administration)

Kevin L. Grice, supervisor, lab animal caretaking for the Veterinary Research Farm, 31

Mary A. Kelm, assistant dean for academic and student affairs, 8

Robert M. Schafer, systems administrator II, 21

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

W.K. Ellis, health information coordinator, 14

Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, Office of

Marilyn U. Bant, director of development, 25

June F. Holmes, assistant director for advancement, 25

Nathaniel C. Banks, director, Campus Community Interface Initiatives, 35

Vice President for Planning and Administration

Mary J. Jordan, assistant vice president for human resources, 25

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