CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Seven local authors – and their most recent books – will be featured Oct. 21-24 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The authors – all U. of I. professors – will lead discussions of their books during UI Press Week, a joint event of the University of Illinois Press and the Illini Union Bookstore.
All but the final presentation will take place in the Author’s Corner on the second floor of the bookstore, 809 S. Wright St., Champaign.
The purpose of the free and public event is “to show the campus and community the range of titles the press has to offer and to highlight the faculty of this campus and the outstanding works they have created,” said Danielle Wilberg, publicity manager for the press. All seven of the books have been published within the past year.
Schedules, authors and their books:
Oct. 21
Noon, Vernon Burton, history, “Computing in the Social Sciences”
4 p.m., Armine Kotin Mortimer, French, “Proust in Perspective”
Oct. 22
Noon, Stephen Hartnett, speech communication, “Democratic Dissent and the Cultural Fictions of Antebellum America”
4 p.m., Cary Nelson, English, “The Wound and the Dream”
Oct. 23
4 p.m., Sundiata Cha-Jua, history, “America’s First Black Town”
Oct. 24
Noon, James R. Barrett, history, “William Z. Foster and the Tragedy of American Radicalism”
4 p.m., Ronald Schmitt, architecture, “Sullivanesque”; 102B Architecture Building, 608 E. Lorado Taft Drive, Champaign