The Provost’s Roundtable on Entrepreneurship will host its annual Entrepreneurship Forum from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 28 at the Illini Union.
The forum highlights the breadth of entrepreneurial activities throughout campus for faculty members, students and academic professionals. Keynotes speakers are Adam Evans, co-founder and chief technology officer of SalesforceIQ, and Ranjitha Kumar, co-founder and chief scientist of Apropose and a U. of I. professor of computer science.
The event also features hand-on workshops and panel discussions on topics such as the Lean Startup Method, how to fund your company and the impact of social entrepreneurship. Networking opportunities also will be available. The afternoon includes the Cozad New Venture Competition finals and the announcement of the $20,000 Illinois Innovation Prizes winner, sponsored by the College of Engineering.
Registration is available online. Sponsoring partners are the Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership, EnterpriseWorks at the Research Park, Illinois Ventures, Innovation LLC, Office of Technology Management and the Technology Entrepreneur Center.