“The STEM of Innovation” is the theme for the 96th annual Engineering Open House at the U. of I. In addition to more than 200 exhibits, the open house this year offers several new attractions, with exhibits ranging from student startup exhibits to non-Newtonian fluid demonstrations. Again this year, the open house is showcasing the Midwest Robotics Design Competition and a Giant Tesla Coil concert that will light up the Bardeen Quad on Friday night.
All events and exhibits are free and open to the public. Student projects and startup exhibits will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 11 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 12 on the Engineering campus, north of Green Street.
The featured speaker for the open house is Mats Selen, a professor of physics and recipient of the 2016 U.S. Professor of the Year award. With his unique brand of physics-related slapstick, Selen is known to local television viewers as the “Whys Guy” for his eye-opening and fun demonstrations. He is the founder of and mentor to the department of physics’ award-winning Physics Van program that brings unforgettable scientific wizardry to area schools. The time of his talk will be announced.
The two-day event that attracts several thousand visitors each year is the largest student-run event at the U. of I. An informative and comprehensive visitors guide will ensure that families have a fun learning experience as they walk through the exhibits. A free mobile app, created especially for the open house, includes exhibit details, maps and much more to guide visitors through the open house. The app is available for download on Google Play Store and the iOS App Store.
On Friday (March 11), 25 high school teams will compete in the Rube Goldberg machine contest. Student teams from across the region will try to create the wackiest and most entertaining way to open an umbrella. Participants in Saturday’s Middle School Design Competition will test their mettle in creating a fully functional windmill.
The Midwestern Robotics Design Competition, formerly the Jerry Sanders Creative Design Competition, is an annual national robotics competition held at Kenney Gym. College robotics teams compete in a large course conceptualized and designed by each year’s competition committee. This competition attracts talented engineering students from across the country.
Following Selen’s presentation, the open house will close its Friday festivities with a giant Tesla Coil Concert on the Bardeen Engineering Quad at 8:30 p.m. Attendees will feel and hear the energy as thousands of volts of electricity zap through the air to broadcast well-known musical tunes.
New this year: The open house will showcase a number of student startup businesses. With a great emphasis on entrepreneurship today, it is time to introduce younger students to concepts that can take innovations to market. These hand-picked startups, located in the basement of the Grainger Engineering Library, depict what it truly means to be at the “stem of innovation.”
Several food trucks will be located along Springfield Avenue. There also is an entertainment tent nearby, featuring campus performers and a variety of musical styles.
Parking is free. Directions for parking can be found on the open house’s website and app. From there, visitors can board a free shuttle with stops near the Illini Union and various contest locations.
Springfield Avenue will be closed from Mathews Avenue to Wright Street from 6 a.m. March 11 until 5:30 p.m. on March 12 for Engineering Open House.