University employees have one more opportunity to change their health plan.
A second open enrollment period runs Oct. 10 through Oct. 28, with any changes effective Dec. 1.
Benefits officials said Oct. 4 they are working to schedule information sessions to guide employees through the selection process, which has been complicated by a host of issues this year.
The only change permitted during this special enrollment period will be to change from one health plan to another health plan, according to a massmail sent to employees Oct. 3. Employees were advised to visit the NESSIE website for updates. (The Benefit Choice Options booklet has been updated and is available online.)
According to the email, other important information employees need to know during the open enrollment dates include:
- Full-time employees can’t opt in or out of coverage and part-timers can’t waive or elect coverage.
- No enrollment or changes to flexible spending accounts are permitted.
- If a new health plan is chosen, deductibles will start over with the new plan, including prescription drug plans. Any deductibles met under the previous plan do not apply.
- Employees who wish to change plans but who are being provided ongoing treatment should contact their new health plan provider to discuss transition of services.
People enrolled in the PersonalCare plans who are patients at Christie Clinic should review the changes to their coverage since both recently announced the termination of that contract.
Employees in these plans should consider their options carefully. Based on the current information that is available, the PersonalCare contract with Christie Clinic for both its HMO and OAP plans will terminate effective Jan. 1.
Employees currently enrolled in either PersonalCare plan may use the enrollment period to select a different provider. Open Access Plan members could still go to Christie Clinic under its Tier 3 option, but preventive care is not covered under Tier 3. Other changes to PersonalCare OAP: Carle Hospital is now Tier 1 and Carle Clinic is now Tier 2.
Those in the PersonalCare HMO who have selected a preferred physician who is no longer in the network on Jan. 1, will be granted 60 days to change health plans under the “Qualifying Event” provision. The effective date of the health plan change will be the day of the event (Jan. 1) or the date of the request, whichever is later.
This same provision does not apply to those in PersonalCare OAP. The October period will be the only opportunity to make a change.
The email suggested employees go to the PersonalCare website for specific questions. The NESSIE website also lists things to consider for current PersonalCare HMO and OAP members.
Urbana Benefits Office, or 217-.333-3111