CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will team with the Edison Electric Institute to offer a 3 1/2-day course on the rapid changes in electricity markets and the transmission business.
The EEI Transmission Business School will meet June 23-26 at the Sears Tower Conference Center, 233 S. Wacker Drive, Chicago.
“Transmission has become the critical element for a competitive electrical market to work smoothly,” said George Gross, the Illinois professor of electrical and computer engineering who is director of the transmission business school. “This program is designed to provide professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges facing the industry.”
Eleven academic and industrial specialists will present key issues in regional transmission organization (RTO) development, emerging transmission business structures, transmission congestion management, evolving electricity markets and the transmission business model, among other topics.
In addition to Gross, lecturers will include James P. Fama, executive director of the energy delivery group of the Edison Electric Institute; Thomas J. Overbye, an Illinois professor of electrical and computer engineering; Masheed Rosenqvist, vice president of the National Grid Co.; Bruce Wollenberg, professor of electrical engineering at the University of Minnesota; and Shmuel Oren, professor of industrial engineering and operations research at the University of California, Berkeley.
The transmission business school is coordinated through the Illinois Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). Online registration is available.