CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Jay Frye, of Easton, Ill., was crowned King Dad by the Dads Association at its annual banquet Nov. 11 during Dads Weekend festivities.
Randy DeSutter, of Woodhull, Ill., and John Tuttle, of Bloomington, Ill., were honored as finalists at the dinner.
The Dads Association carries on the King Dad tradition originally established by the Illini Union Board more than 30 years ago. The award recognizes one special dad for his support, encouragement and inspiration. The winner receives an engraved plaque.
Frye was nominated by his son, Lucas Frye, a freshman in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.
Lucas Frye said that his father is a “tremendously giving person.” Frye, a U. of I. alumnus, has served his local community through the county Farm Bureau, the local electric cooperative and as a church elder.
The Dads and Moms associations at Illinois, established in 1922 and 1923 respectively, are believed to be the nation’s longest-serving parent organizations. The associations support programs, services and activities that promote the health, safety and well-being of the university community.