Peter Feuille, 73, of Champaign, died Sept. 7 at home. He joined the university in 1977, retiring in 2008. He was the dean of the now-School of Labor and Employment Relations from 1994 to 2006. Memorials: the Peter Feuille Scholarship at the School of Labor and Employment Relations at Illinois or to Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church, 208 W. University Ave., Champaign, IL 61820.
Leonard Heumann, 75, of Champaign, died Sept. 13 at home. He was a professor of urban and regional planning for more than 30 years.
Ruth Marilyn Newman, 77, of Champaign, died Sept. 14 at home. Her university career began in 1977, and she spent the next 20 years working in departments that included aerospace studies, Air Force R.O.T.C and Personnel Services. She retired after serving in the office of President Stanley Ikenberry. Memorials: Multiple Sclerosis Society.
William H. “Bill” Peterson, 91, of Champaign, died Sept. 14 in Urbana. He worked as an Extension agricultural engineer from 1978-95.