CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – New teacher induction and mentoring will be the focus of a statewide conference Feb. 24-25 in Springfield, Ill., the fourth annual conference organized by the Illinois New Teacher Collaborative.
Nearly 400 educators and policymakers are expected to attend the event, “Moving Toward High Quality Induction and Mentoring,” at the Hilton Springfield, 700 E. Adams St.
The conference is intended to be an interactive, team-oriented event designed to offer ideas, strategies and tools to help new teachers, teacher mentors and administrators learn about induction and mentoring programs, says Nancy Johnson, assistant director of the collaborative, a statewide initiative involving almost every group with an interest in Illinois education.
“The conference has proven to be very successful in bringing people together to plan support for beginning teachers,” Johnson said “For schools, districts and regions that don’t have teacher induction and mentoring programs, it will help them develop one. For those that do have programs, the conference will help improve their programs.”
The opening speaker for the event will be Dennis Van Roekel, the president of the National Education Association. The keynote speaker will be Leslie Huling, associate dean of research and faculty development at Texas State University-San Marcos, on the topic “Measuring Induction Program Impact: Promises and Pitfalls.”
The conference will feature general sessions, breakout sessions and planning time based around the Illinois Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Beginning Teacher Induction Programs. Participants will focus on developing program improvement plans and may take part in online community and technology innovation rooms.
The collaborative is funded by the State Farm Companies Foundation, the Illinois State Board of Education and the U. of I. College of Education.