CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – For a few days in May, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will be rocked by scandal, religious unrest and war.
Such events will play out May 2-4 during the fourth “Fifteenth Century Conference,” sponsored by the Richard III Society and the Medieval Studies Program at Illinois.
The conference is free and open to all U. of I. students, faculty and staff. A registration fee of $40 is required of all others. All sessions will be held in the Illini Union, 1401 W. Green St., Urbana.
Sharon Michalove, conference organizer, said various aspects of medieval history, literature and art will be featured. In addition, a concert of 15th century music is scheduled, organized by U. of I. music professor Chester Alwes.
Scholars from Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Tasmania, the United Kingdom and from across the United States will explore such topics as scandal as stratagem, the devil, Joan of Arc and male honor during the Wars of the Roses.
Jean-Philippe Genet, a history professor at the University of Paris, will give the keynote address on the development of the modern state in England.
Stephen Jaeger, director of the U. of I. Medieval Studies Program, will welcome the conference participants. Michalove, a member of the history department and department of educational policy studies at Illinois, will give introductory remarks.
The Illinois campus and its conference center in nearby Monticello have hosted all previous Fifteenth Century conferences, held every three years. The conference is a prelude to the 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, May 6-9, at Western Michigan University.