CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – The College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign honored its students in April at its annual awards banquet.
The recipients and their awards (EDITORS: See list):
Nationally recognized as a leading business school, the U. of I. College of Business has outstanding programs in accounting, business and finance at the undergraduate, graduate and professional levels. The college enrolls approximately 3,000 undergraduates and 850 graduate students in MBA, master’s and doctoral programs.
ARCOLA – Elizabeth Smith, Roedger Award
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS – Alice Alvarez, Accountancy Diversity Scholarship; Kathryn Szejka, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship
ASSUMPTION – Weston Adcock, Anna Lou Johnston Roth Scholarship, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship
AURORA – Stavroula Xinos, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship
BERKELEY – Elizabeth Thomas, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, Caterpillar Excellence Scholarship-Caterpillar Honors
BLOOMINGTON – Allen D. Hays, James Newton Matthews Scholarship, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship; Jacob Vial, Stein Scholarship for Excellence
BOURBONNAIS – Michael Notton, FMC Award of Excellence Scholarship, Motorola Scholarship, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
BUFFALO GROVE – Andrew Gordon, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship; Evan Johnson, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship; Rachel Johnston, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
BURR RIDGE – Nisa Agrawal, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, Cozad Entrepreneurship Scholarship, RJ Jones Financial Award
CHAMPAIGN – Adam Colba, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship; Diana Gonzalez, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship; Lakisha Harvey, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship; Kaitlin Holcomb, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship; Stephen Jordan, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship; Julie Mesker, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship; Sanaz Mobasseri, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship, Senior 100 Honorary Award; Ellen Stanko, Roedger Award; Kellie A. Stevens, George Huff Award
CHICAGO – (30) Kristin Day, Chas Edelstein Scholarship
(34) Justin Rivera, Motorola Scholarship
(37) Angela Randle, James R. Cantalupo Scholarship
COLLINSVILLE – Shelby S. Dietsch, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
CRYSTAL LAKE – Joseph Manzo, Virchow Krause & Company LLP Award; Jennifer Prindle, Lillian and Morrie Moss Fellowship
DANVILLE – Simrita Rakalla, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship
DECATUR – Brooke Damery, Crowe, Chizek & Company LLP Outstanding Student Award; Mark R. Perkes, Senior 100 Honorary Award
DEERFIELD – Ashley Darden, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
DES PLAINES – Lauren E. Lavorato, Senior 100 Honorary Award, Top Ten Senior Award, Phi Gamma Nu Patrick J. Cleary Award
DuQUOIN – Brooke Summers, McGladrey & Pullen LLP Award
ELK GROVE VILLAGE – Samir Patel, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship
ELMHURST – Robert Valdes, Business Loyalty Scholarship, Caterpillar Excellence Scholarship-Caterpillar Honors Diversity
ELMWOOD – Elizabeth Waite, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
EVANSTON – Kalin Meyer, Motorola Scholarship
FARINA – Bethany Kramer, Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship, Peggy Pool Graening Scholarship
FLOSSMOOR – Shari A. O’Bryant, National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Community Service Award
GLENVIEW – Sarah Boghosian, Roedger Award
GRAYSLAKE – Ellen Pajakowski, Harold V. & Caroline H. Miller Scholarship
GREEN OAKS – Jessica Tarica, Navigant Consulting Inc. Award
GURNEE – Laura Nemeth, Peggy Pool Graening Scholarship; Kimberly Sula, Deloitte & Touche LLP/Jerry W. Kolb Award
HAWTHORN WOODS – Kelly Maynard, Business Alumni Association Undergraduate Scholar, Motorola Scholarship, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
HIGHLAND – Bradley Boudouris, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship
HINSDALE – Michael Kallergis, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship; Patrice Yao, Top Ten Senior Award
JOLIET – Dana Fabrizio, Deloitte & Touche LLP/Jerry W. Kolb Award
La GRANGE – Alyse Probst, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
LAKE FOREST – Elizabeth Rahn, FMC Award of Excellence Scholarship, 3-M Scholars Scholarship
LAKE VILLA – Indra Verbiejute, Senior 100 Honorary Award, Top Ten Senior Award, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
LEMONT – Jason E. Luksis, James Newton Matthews Scholarship, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship
LINDENHURST – Erin Stein, McGladrey & Pullen LLP Award
McHENRY – Gerald Molidor III, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship
MOKENA – Roseann Koefoed, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship
MORTON – John Smillie, George H. and Gertrude J. Schiff Scholarship
MORTON GROVE – Steven Selejan, Virchow Krause & Company LLP Award
MOUNT PROSPECT – Theodore Dimiropoulos, Thomas W. Aplington Memorial Award, Hanley Group Scholarship
MUNDELEIN – Kimberly M. Staley, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
NAPERVILLE – Travis Loomis, Weinstein Student Leadership in Business Award; Evelyn Regalado, Chris Perry Scholarship; Susan Schwolow, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship
NEW ATHENS – Jeffrey Newbold, Crowe, Chizek & Company LLP Outstanding Student Award
NORTHBROOK – Lily Dou, Ernst & Young LLP Award
OAK LAWN – Allison Brett, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, FMC Award of Excellence Scholarship
OLNEY – Meredith Dixon, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
ORLAND PARK – Brian Griffith, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
PALATINE – Sarah E. McDaniel, James Newton Matthews Scholarship, Hugh W. Frey Scholarship; Michael T. VanAcker, H&R Krantz Moede Scholarship, Lloyd Morey Memorial Award, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
PALOS HEIGHTS – Emily Johnson, McGladrey & Pullen LLP Award
PARIS – Audra Tyler, John W. Queenan Scholarship
PARK RIDGE – Alexander Schallmo, Business Loyalty Scholarship
PEOTONE – Brittany Oliver, Stanley N. Gore Scholarship, Hanley Group Scholarship
PERU – Matthew Storkman, Johnson & Johnson Case Competition Award
PLANO – Ariel Avila, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
PROSPECT HEIGHTS – Jessica Graham, Russo Scholarship
RIVERSIDE – Jordan Burdinie, Russo Scholarship; Jessica Jurkovic, Jon W. Burkhardt Scholarship
ROCKFORD – Jeffrey Teare, McGladrey & Pullen LLP Award
RUSHVILLE – Alexander K. Ring, Council of Presidents President’s Award, honorable mention
ST. CHARLES – Julie Valentyn, FMC Award of Excellence Scholarship, John L. and Ruth B. Morton Scholarship
SAVOY – Jaehan Ahn, Accountancy Diversity Scholarship
SCHAUMBURG – Michael A. Ragano, George Huff Award; Matthew Schrieber, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
SMITHTON – Jason Mueller, James J. and June D. Gustat Award, Mead Family Foundation Endowed Scholarship
SPRINGFIELD – Kristina Grosse, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship
TAYLORVILLE – Jessica Podeschi, Anna Lou Johnston Roth Scholarship
TINLEY PARK – Kate Sutor, Lillian and Morrie Moss Fellowship, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
URBANA – Adeel Ahmad, Accountancy Diversity Scholarship; Min Ding, Roedger Award; Nisha Mathew, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship
VERNON HILLS – Marina B. Brioni, Senior 100 Honorary Award, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
WAUKEGAN – Norilynn Bailey, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
WEST CHICAGO – Kelly DeRoo, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship
WILLOWBROOK – Shu-hsin Yang, Johnson & Johnson Case Competition Award
WINFIELD – Kristin Bellanca, Ronald and LaVerne Shipka Scholarship, Harold E. Eisenberg Foundation Scholarship, Society of Industrial & Office Realtors (SIOR) Award; David Light, Ford Scholarship
ALASKA, Fairbanks – Jason Hackenmiller, Robert Mautz Honorary Scholarship, Navigant Consulting Inc. Award
CALIFORNIA, Clovis – Alex J. Tirapelle, George Huff Award
CONNECTICUTT, Brookfield – Douglas Sutherland, Janice Flora Wilkinson Memorial Scholarship, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship
FLORIDA, Palm Harbor – Anastasia Sokolva, George Huff Award
Vero Beach – Susan J. Lohuis, Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key, James Newton Matthews Scholarship, Senior 100 Honorary Award, Leiby S. Hal Scholarship, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, BKD LLP Award
INDIANA, Carmel – Gina M. Malito, Senior 100 Honorary Award
IOWA, Roland – Elizabeth Beck, BDO Seidman LLP Award
KENTUCKY, Louisville – Christina Singer, Ford Scholarship, Matthew and Jennifer Hannus Scholarship
MARYLAND, Potomac – James Lien, David Kinley Educational Foundation Scholarship, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship, James Newton Matthews Scholarship, Marvin N. Nachman Memorial Scholarship
MASSACHUSETTS, North Andover – Kristine Hanson, Ford Scholarship
MISSOURI, Chesterfield – Justin Femmer, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Scholarship; Wendy Gao, Kenneth W. Perry Scholarship; Brandon Pevnick, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Scholarship
NEW JERSEY, Fort Lee – Jae Kwak, Marjorie Sells Carter Scholarship
Kinnelon – Justin Feinberg, Barent and Jessie Springsted Scholarship
Wall – Patrick Gallagher, Cozad Entrepreneurship Scholarship, Gloria A. and Paul M. Dauten Jr. Scholarship
West Caldwell – Tina Shao, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, James R. Hall Scholarship, Leiby S. Hall Scholarship, Johnson & Johnson Outstanding Student Award
NEW YORK, Fresh Meadows – Geoffrey Ng, Convergys Scholarship, David Kinley Educational Foundation Scholarship, James Newton Matthews Scholarship
Port Washington – Matthew Hagel, Allan Teh Scholarship
OHIO, Cincinnati – James Cardella, Mary Sparks Alley Scholarship, Convergys Scholarship
VIRGINIA, Richmond – Laura M. Redmond, George Huff Award
CANADA, Longueuil – Cynthia Goulet, George Huff Award, Roedger Award
LITHUANIA, Kauno Rajonas – Rasa Virsilaite, George Huff Award