CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Despite recent rains over parts of Illinois, drought conditions have worsened in central and southwestern regions of the state, say officials of the Illinois State Water Survey.
Derek Winstanley, chief of the water survey, will discuss the current status of groundwater and reservoir levels and revised projections for the coming summer months during a news conference at 11:30 a.m. today (May 22) in the Illinois Room of the Illinois State Water Survey, 2204 Griffith Drive, Champaign.
With above average risks for both lower-than-normal rainfall and higher-than-normal summer temperatures, water survey officials say water shortage concerns are growing across much of the state. They continue to urge that water conservation measures, like those already implemented in Springfield, be encouraged across central Illinois.
The most recent State Water Survey’s drought assessment report is available on the World Wide Web at or it can be faxed upon request.