At its March 10 meeting, the UI Board of Trustees approved the appointment of 25 faculty members as Center for Advanced Study fellows and associates for the 2010-11 academic year.
Each year the center names fellows and associates, providing them with one semester of release time for creative work. Fellows (untenured faculty members) and associates (tenured faculty members) are selected from across campus to carry out programs of self-initiated research or professional activity. Masumi Iriye, deputy director of the center, said that given the current state of the university budget, the support of the UI Board of Trustees for the internal time-release funding means a lot to the center.
“These are the best and brightest of our faculty,” she said.
Many people don’t realize how important it is for professors to be released from teaching so they can pursue their research, Iriye said.
2010-11 fellows and their projects:
- Richard Akresh, economics, “Burkina Faso Randomized Evaluation of Conditional/Unconditional Cash Transfers”
- Ryan C. Bailey, chemistry, Institute for Genomic Biology and Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, “MicroRNA-omics: Developing a Global Analysis Platform for Tiny Regulators”
- Rohit Bhargava, bioengineering, Beckman Institute, Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, “Who Will Die of Prostate Cancer? A Systems Pathology Approach Using Computational Prediction Models to Integrate Imaging and Biology”
- Steven P. Broglio, kinesiology and community health, “Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Interscholastic Football as an Injury Model”
- Raffi Ohannes Budakian, physics, “Probing the Physics of the Fractional Vortex State in Novel Superconductors”
- Ashwini Chhatre, geography, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, “Democratic Governance and Adaptation to Climate Change”
- Todd Coleman, electrical and computer engineering, Neuroscience Program, “Systems Engineering Principles for the Design of Brain-Machine Interfaces”
- Jennifer A. Greenhill, art and design, “Playing It Straight: Art and Humor in the U.S. From the Civil War to the World’s Columbian Exposition”
- Xiuling Li, electrical and computer engineering, materials science and engineering, “An All-silicon Nanowire Tandem Solar Cell for $1 per Watt Energy Conversion”
- Ripan Singh Malhi, anthropology, animal biology, “Collaborating With Native American Communities to Study Population History”
- Darko Marinov, computer science, Information Trust Institute, “Taming Bugs in Parallel Software”
- John Charles Stallmeyer, architecture, “Informational Urbanism: Information Technology Development and New Typologies of Architecture and Urban Space”
- Anna Westerstahl Stenport, Germanic languages and literatures, cinema studies, comparative and world literature, international studies, gender and women’s studies, Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory, European Union Center, “Sexonomics: Gendered Economies of Expression in European Modern Drama, 1880-1910”
2010-11 associates and their projects:
- Craig Bethke, geology, “Bioreactive Transport of Contaminant Chemicals in Flowing Groundwater”
- Rakesh Mohan Bhatt, linguistics, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, “Understanding Language Obsolescence: Kashmiri in a Comparative Context”
- Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua, African American studies, history, “Beyond the Rape: Black Resistance to Lynching, 1867-1930”
- Wendy Lea Haight, social work, “Violent Girls From Rural, Methamphetamine-involved Families”
- Kristin Hoganson, history, Gender and Women’s Studies, “Prairie Routes: Making a Global Heartland”
- Moon-Kie Jung, sociology, “Constituting the U.S. Empire-State and White Supremacy”
- Marius Junge, mathematics, “Interaction Between Quantum Information Theory and Operator Space Theory”
- Susan Koshy, English, Asian American Studies, “Late Multiculturalism and Its Discontents”
- Robert G. Leigh, physics, “String Theory and the Holographic States of Matter”
- Daniel Liberzon, electrical and computer engineering, Coordinated Science Laboratory, “Stability Analysis of Switched Dynamics via Commutators”
- Moshe Matalon, mechanical science and engineering, “Modeling Multi-Scale Phenomena in Combustion Studies”
- Gillen D’Arcy Wood, English, “The Tambora Project”