Strategic Communications and Marketing News Bureau

Campus news


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Campus life Jonathan Ying is an assistant dean in the Office of the Dean of Students.

On the Job: Jonathan Ying

What is your title and how long have you been with the UI? I’m an assistant dean in the office of the dean of students. My primary responsibility is the Asian Pacific American students on campus. I came here in August. The position was created in March. What does your job entail? I’m responsible for […]

Campus life Greg Peters is the assistant dining services director for housing, snack bars and vending operations.

On the Job: Greg Peters

What is your job and how long have you worked at the UI? I’m assistant dining services director for housing, snack bars and vending operations. I came here as a student in 1973 and worked my way through school, so I spent my first six years as a student employee. What does your job entail? […]

Campus life Susan Kies Roth is assistant dean of educational affairs in the College of Medicine.

On the Job: Susan Kies Roth

What is your job title and how long have you been with the UI? I was recently promoted to assistant dean of educational affairs in the College of Medicine. I started at the UI in February 1993 as coordinator of instructional development in the department of internal medicine, in the College of Medicine. What is […]

Campus life Charles Stites is a research animal scientist in the department of animal sciences.

On the Job: Charles Stites

What is your title and how long have you been with the UI? I’m a research animal scientist in the department of animal sciences. I’ve been here since the spring of 1984. What does your job entail? I manage the meat science laboratory, a federally inspected meat-processing facility on campus. We provide service and products […]

Campus life Brad Hedrick is interim director for the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services and head coach of the men's and women's wheelchair basketball teams.

On the Job: Brad Hedrick

What is your job and how long have you been with the UI? I’m interim director for the Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services and head coach of the men’s and women’s wheelchair basketball teams. Since 1990, I also have served as a guest lecturer and worked with a considerable number of students on independent studies and […]

Strategic Communications and Marketing News Bureau

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