Guidelines for identity standards
Under the guidelines for Identity Standards, which are available on the Web at, the I Mark must appear on the cover of all publications, and a campus logo must appear inside. Print and durable goods such as brochures, newsletters, signage and imprinted items that are developed, printed or created after Sept. 8, 2008 must comply with the standards. Items currently in production that are scheduled to be printed or created before Sept. 8 do not need to be updated. All existing materials should be used until the supply is exhausted, but all print products and durable goods must comply by Jan. 1, 2010. Web pages developed after Sept. 8 must comply with the standards, and home pages for all campus units must comply by Jan. 1, 2009. The I Mark and the text “University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign” should appear prominently on the first page of PowerPoint presentations; new templates – as well as more information about the branding initiative – are available on the identity standards Web site,