CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Explore the mysteries of your brain April 26 at Lincoln Square Village in Urbana, and literally touch the brains of other creatures. “Brains Rock!” is the theme of this year’s Brain Day, which will take place from 1-5 p.m. in the south hallway of the mall.
Games, exhibits and demonstrations by University of Illinois brain researchers will showcase the basic and bizarre abilities of the nervous systems of many animals. Participants will touch real brains, test their skill at doing things backward, learn how the senses work, observe bee behavior in a real hive, and produce art, poetry and songs related to the amazing and varied functions of the brain. There will be a visual and literary art show based on works created during the event.
The event is free and open to the public and intended for all ages.
Brain Awareness day is part of a larger initiative by the Dana Foundation and the Society for Neurosciences. Each year these groups sponsor Brain Awareness Week to create events throughout the year. For more information about the Urbana event, e-mail Donna Korol,, or Sam Beshers,