CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – An exhibition of work by Fred DeAsis, a Filipino-American artist from Chicago, will be featured as part of the annual open house Sept. 7 at the Asian American Cultural Center and Asian American Studies Program at the University of Illinois.
The open house, at 1208 and 1210 W. Nevada St., Urbana, will run from 2 to 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
In addition to the exhibition, local Asian American community organizations will be on hand to explain how students and the campus community can become involved in their activities.
The DeAsis exhibition, “Kut-kut – Lost Art of the Philippines,” will remain on display through Nov. 7 at the Asian American Cultural Center. Kut-kut is an ancient Philippine art style and technique characterized by delicate swirling interwoven lines, multi-layered texture and an illusion of three-dimensional space.
For more information about the open house, call 217-333-9300.