CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – A poet, critic and scholar of international and African contemporary art will deliver a lecture Thursday (April 17) as part of the “Exploring the Human Experience: Beyond Differences?” initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Okwui Enwezor (pronounced OH-kee-woo EN-wuh-zore) will discuss “Archaeology of the Present: The Postcolonial Archive and the Photographic Discourse of African Modernity” in his lecture, which is to begin at 7 p.m. in 141 Wohlers Hall, 1206 S. Sixth St., Champaign. A reception in 370 Wohlers Hall will follow Enwezor’s lecture. Both events are free and open to the public. Enwezor will be a guest from 10 to 10:55 a.m. Wednesday (April 16) on “Focus 580,” broadcast by WILL-AM (580).
Enwezor, who is from Nigeria, is adjunct curator of contemporary art at the Art Institute of Chicago and has written extensively on contemporary African and international art. He is the founding editor of Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art, co-published with the Africana Studies Center at Cornell University. In 1997 Enwezor served as artistic director of Africus, the 2nd Bienniale of Johannesburg, the most significant modern art event in Africa.
“Beyond Differences?” is the theme for the 2002-2003 campus “Exploring the Human Experience” initiative, which includes a series of academic offerings, performances and events that culminate with the commencement address in May.