Brian D. Farber
Director, Office for Student Conflict Resolution
Associate Dean of Students
300 Turner Student Services Building
610 E. John St, Champaign, IL 61820
The Office for Student Conflict Resolution is responsible for maintaining an environment conducive to academic success and for promoting a safe and secure campus by protecting the rights of all members of the university community. The office addresesses all behavioral violations of the Student Code committed by individuals or student groups and violations of the Academic Integrity policy as referred by instructors, departments and colleges. Other programs of the office include mediation, which assists students in finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts with an unbiased third party, and the Tolerance Program, which responds to acts of intolerance within the campus community to emphasize the institutional values of tolerance and inclusiveness.
Dan Mann
Director, Office of Student Financial Aid
620 E. John St, Champaign, IL 61820
The Office of Student Financial Aid assists students by awarding financial aid to help pay for educational expenses. Financial aid is available from federal, state, university and private resources in four primary types: grants, scholarships/waivers, loans and employment. The office establishes cost-of-attendance budgets that are used to determine financial aid eligibility as well as to provide students and their families with a reasonable estimate of the cost of attendance at Illinois. The budgets include allowances for tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and other expenses.
Carla J. McCowan
Director, Counseling Center
110 Turner Student Services Building
610 E. John St, Champaign, IL 61820
Counseling Center services are designed to help students address the academic, relational and emotional concerns they may face while at the university. Through the use of clinical services, outreach and campus consultation, training and numerous educational programming initiatives, the Counseling Center facilitates the development of new insights and strengths designed to help prepare students for a lifetime of psychological health and well-being.
Gail Rooney
Director, Career Center
715 S. Wright St., Champaign, IL 61820
The Career Center serves all students of the Urbana campus regarding professional and career development. With collaborative and innovative programs, services and resources, the center offers career counseling, pre-health career advising, job-search assistance, resume and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, workshops, newsletters and blogs, career fairs and special events. According to the Chancellor’s Senior Survey, 71 percent of the 2011 graduating seniors at Illinois used career services while in college.