CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – Minya Oh, “Miss Info” of the New York radio station known as Hot 97, will serve as the keynote speaker during an open house Wednesday (March 1) from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Asian American Cultural Center, 1210 W. Nevada St., Urbana. Her talk, focusing on activism in the Asian American and hip hop community, will begin Asian American Awareness Month at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This year’s theme is “Building on Our Achievements.”
The observance celebrates the achievements, contributions, experiences, and culture of Asian Americans and includes conferences, performances, speakers and workshops.
Other activities this week:
• Wednesday: “(Mis-)Representations of Asian Americans in the Media,” a panel discussion from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Asian American Cultural Center. Because of recent debates about how Asians are portrayed in the popular media, the panel will address what students can do. Panelists: “Miss Info”; Kent Ono, the director of the Asian American Studies Program at the U. of I; Rizwan Uddin, a professor of nuclear engineering at Illinois; doctorial candidate Diem-My Bui; and Young-A Jo and Tahir Hafeez, U. of I. students.
• Thursday: “Majors Unlimited,” sponsored by the Asian American Housing Organization, 7:30 p.m., Illini Orange, 301 E. Gregory St., Champaign. Seniors and graduate students will be on hand to advise undergraduates regarding majors and classes to take. Snacks provided.
“Ethan Mao,” sponsored by the Asian American Studies Minor Club and Asian American Studies Program, 6:30 p.m., Allen Hall Lounge, 1005 W. Gregory Drive, Urbana. Director Quentin Lee will host a screening of his latest feature film followed by a discussion with the audience.
• Friday: “True Illusion” fashion show, sponsored by the Asian American Association, 7 p.m., Foellinger Auditorium, 709 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana.
• Saturday: Alumni Banquet, sponsored by the Asian American Association, Asian American Cultural Center.
“Emerging Critical Scholarship on Asian Pacific American Issues: A Graduate Students Conference,” sponsored by the Asian Pacific American Graduate Students Organization, will take place Friday and Saturday at the Asian American Cultural Center and Illini Union, 1401 W. Green St., Urbana. Keynote speakers include Shirley Hune, associate dean of graduate programs at UCLA, and Ono.
For more information, contact Jeffrey Sichaleune, assistant director, Asian American Cultural Center, 217-333-9300.
Asian American Awareness Month is sponsored by the Asian American Awareness Month Committee of the Student Affairs Program Coordinating Council.