labor and industrial relations
Two UI faculty members from the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations recently received honors at the annual meetings of the Labor and Employment Relations Association. Peter Feuille, ILIR professor and director emeritus, received the Susan C. Eaton Outstanding Scholar-Practitioner Award, given by the association each year in recognition of outstanding research, teaching and practice emphasizing the value of bringing together the academic and practitioner communities. Feuille currently serves as the association’s secretary-treasurer. Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, ILIR dean, was selected to serve as the 2009 president of the association. LER is the leading national association that brings together scholars, union leaders, managers and government officials on matters of labor and employment relations.
Michael Schlesinger, professor of atmospheric sciences, was invited by Gov. Rod Blagojevich to be a member of the Illinois Climate Change Advisory Group. The group will consider “the full range of policies and strategies to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions in Illinois and present its findings and recommendations to (the governor) by the end of June.”
Benjamin D. Wandelt, professor of physics, will receive a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award. He was nominated by German scientist Simon D.M. White, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astrophysik, Garching. This award is conferred in recognition of lifetime achievements in research. In addition, Wandelt is invited to carry out research projects of his own choice in cooperation with specialist colleagues in Germany.
Tim Donohue, visiting IDEALS research programmer at the library, won best poster for “Format Conversion in DSpace Using” at the Open Repositories 2007 conference in San Antonio. His poster and paper were on “Configurable Submission System for Dspace.” The University Library and CITES launched the pilot phase of IDEALS, a digital repository for the scholarly works of campus faculty and staff members and students. IDEALS will preserve and provide permanent access to a variety of materials.
Scott Walter, professor and associate university librarian for services, was chosen for the ARL Research Libraries Leadership Fellows Program. The program is designed to cultivate and develop the specific skill sets required for the next generation of deans and directors of large academic libraries. Walter will be involved in this program for the next two years, and will make visits to other research libraries and membership meetings.
Dederick C. “Dedy” Ward, a retired UI geology librarian and associate professor of library administration, was honored by the Geoscience Information Society for distinguished service to the profession. In accepting the 2006 Mary B. Ansari Distinguished Service Award on Ward’s behalf at the society’s Philadelphia meeting, Lura E. Joseph, current UI geology librarian, cited Ward’s extensive contributions to the professionalization of geoscience librarianship and his personal scholarship.
Ward was one of the founding members of the society in 1965 and served as co-chair of the first International Conference on Geological Information, held in London in 1978.