IN THIS ISSUE: ACES | governmental relations | LAS | UI press | university audits
agricultural, consumer and environmental sciences
Six faculty members, an associate dean and two graduate teaching assistants in the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences were honored at the 49th Annual Conference of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.
Philip Buriak, professor of agricultural engineering, received the NACTA Teacher Fellow Award. Robert Skirvin, professor of natural resources and environmental sciences, received the NACTA Regional Outstanding Teaching Award. Receiving the E.B. Knight NACTA Journal Award were R. Kirby Barrick, associate dean of academic programs; Buriak; Cleora D’Arcy, professor of crop sciences; James Javenkoski, professor of food science and human nutrition; Bruce Litchfield, professor of agricultural engineering; Shelly Schmidt, professor of food science and human nutrition. Receiving the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award were Jeffrey Bunting, crops sciences, and Ani Yazedjian, human and community development.
governmental relations
Rick Schoell, executive director of governmental relations and director for federal relations, has been named the university’s representative on the board of directors for the International Arid Lands Consortium and chair of the Committee on Program Priorities. The committee informs and advises the board on program development and new program opportunities, recommends actions and solutions on problems facing the consortium, and recommends new priorities when needed.
The consortium is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to exploring the problems and solutions unique to arid and semi-arid regions. IALC promotes cooperative research and practical application of new knowledge to develop sustainable ecological practices. The member institutions and their affiliates share a mission to enable people of arid lands to improve the quality of life for future generations.
liberal arts and sciences
Bill Greenough, director of the Center for Advanced Study, Swanlund Endowed Chair, and professor of psychology, of psychiatry, and of cell and structural biology, and co-chair of the Biological Intelligence Research Theme at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, was elected treasurer-elect for the Society for Neuroscience for 2004.
Greenough will take this position at the Neuroscience 2003 Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Formed in 1970, the society has grown from 500 members to more than 31,000 and is the world’s largest organization of scientists devoted to the study of the brain.
UI press
Judith McCulloh, assistant director and executive editor of the University Press, received Belmont University’s 2003 Mike Curb School of Music’s Business Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognized McCulloh for “a lifetime of linking books with country music.” The award was presented May 30 at the International Country Music Conference in Nashville. The most recent book published by the UI Press in this field is Bill C. Malone’s “Don’t Get Above Your Raisin’: Country Music and the Southern Working Class,” the 102nd volume in the press’s ongoing series Music in American Life.
university audits
The UI’s Office of University Audits received the 2003 Lawrence B. Sawyer Award from the Institute of Internal Auditors in recognition of the office’s pursuit of professional excellence through active promotion of, and staff achievement, in the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) Program.
The award is the most prestigious award an organization can attain for active promotion of the CIA professional designation. Lawrence B. Sawyer, referred to as “the father of modern internal auditing,” was a highly acclaimed author, educator and leader of the internal auditing profession.