Can Bayram, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and a researcher in the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, received an Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award. Bayram’s research focuses on developing novel photonic and electronic devices, including next-generation energy conversion devices. He is working on facilitating fast, efficient, low-power, affordable and scalable technology solutions that offer a smaller footprint than conventional devices.
Elif Ertekin, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, was named a 2016 Early Career Faculty Fellow by the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. She was honored for her work in building from a mixed background in the mechanics of materials and in materials physics, merging her research in continuum models of defects and plastic deformation in low-dimensional materials with electronic structure of points defects in semiconductors for photovoltaics and other energy applications.
Placid Ferreira, the Tungchao Julia Lu Professor in the department of mechanical science and engineering, received the 2016 Education Award from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. He was recognized for his efforts in developing an innovative manufacturing curriculum, his outstanding teaching and mentorship, scholarly and innovative contributions to the field, and his leadership in industry manufacturing research and education.
Nam Sung Kim, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, has been elected an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow. He is the first fellow from this organization among Korean researchers in his research field, computer architecture. He was nominated for his substantial contributions to advances in improving energy efficiency of microprocessors through interdisciplinary approaches spanning innovative devices, circuits and architectures.
SungWoo Nam, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, has received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his research titled “Corrugated Graphene Superlattice Structures by Strain-induced Shrink Nanomanufacturing.” Nam’s research program at the U. of I. focuses on multifunctional engineered nanomaterials and devices. His laboratory focuses on nanoengineering graphene and two-dimensional materials-based nanostructures and devices for multifunctionality.
Sameh Tawfick, a professor of mechanical science and engineering, was named a 2016 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Tawfick was honored for his excellence in the development of new manufacturing processes to produce 3-D microstructures and casting of continuous metal nanowires for compliant electromechanical systems.
Thérèse F. Tierney, a professor of architecture, was appointed to the editorial board of ARENA – Journal of Architectural Research. The organization is an open access peer-reviewed academic journal set up by the Architectural Research European Network Association.
In addition, Tierney in December participated in the group exhibit “Now, There: Scenes from the Post-Geographic City,” which received the Bronze Dragon Award from an international jury. The multimedia exhibit was curated by Mimi Zeiger and Tim Durfee for the Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture.
Antony Augoustakis, a professor of classics and of medieval studies, received an Excellence in College Teaching Award from the Society for Classical Studies at the organization’s annual meeting Jan. 8 in San Francisco.
The text of the presentation said his “dedication to his students and his willingness to go out of his way for them can be seen in the extra sessions he offers students who enter a Medieval Latin class with less preparation than classics majors or in his personal mentoring of undergraduates who, with his encouragement, attend and present at the annual Eta Sigma Phi conference.”
Colleagues also noted his work in reviving Illinois’ chapter of Eta Sigma Phi while serving as its faculty adviser. In addition, Augoustakis has created and taught multiple new course offerings at every level and teaches language courses that range from archaic Greek lyric to post-classical Latin.