Each spring, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences recognizes faculty and staff members, and graduate students who have demonstrated outstanding achievements or exceptional service to the college. The recipients were honored at the annual Paul A. Funk Recognition Awards Banquet. This year, the banquet was April 11 at the Pear Tree Estate in Champaign.
The recipients for the Paul A. Funk Recognition Awards were Karen Chapman-Novakofski, a professor of food science and human nutrition; Fred Kolb, a professor of small grains breeding and genetics and a teaching coordinator in the department of crop sciences; and Sandra Rodriguez-Zas, a professor of animal sciences.
Rodney Johnson, the director of nutritional sciences and a professor of animal sciences and of nutritional sciences, received the Spitze Land-Grant Professional Career Excellence Award.
Mosbah Kushad, a professor of crop sciences, received the Faculty Award for Global Impact.
The Team Award for Excellence was given to the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction and Science Assessment Team, which includes Carla Blue, a visiting fiscal planning and reporting specialist, U. of I. Extension; Eliana Brown, a water resources outreach specialist, U. of I. Extension; George Czapar, an associate dean and the director of extension and outreach, U. of I. Extension; Mark David, a professor of natural resources and environmental sciences; Kaitlin Hollenbeck, a visiting water research outreach specialist, U. of I. Extension; Corrie Layfield, an academic hourly, U. of I. Extension; Greg McIsaac, a professor emeritus of natural resources and environmental sciences; Lisa Merrifield, assistant director of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Illinois Water Resources Center, U. of I. Extension; Brian Miller, the director of Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Illinois Water Resources Center, U. of I. Extension; Corey Mitchell, a senior research specialist in agriculture for the department of natural resources and environmental sciences; Anjanette Riley, a communications specialist, U. of I. Extension; and Gary Schnitkey, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics.
The Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching–Senior was given to Amy Ando, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics, and the Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching–College was presented to Anna Dilger, a professor of animal sciences.
The Faculty Award for Excellence in Research-Senior was given to Keith Cadwallader, a professor of food science and human nutrition, and Katherine Baylis, a professor of agricultural and consumer economics, received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Research-College.
The Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension-Senior was given to Angela Wiley, a professor of applied family studies in the department of human development and family studies. Phil Cardoso, a professor of animal sciences, received the Faculty Award for Excellence in Extension-College.
Janeen Salak-Johnson, a professor of animal sciences, was awarded the Karl E. Gardner Outstanding Undergraduate Adviser Award.
The John Clyde and Henrietta Downey Splitler Teaching Award was given to Robert Knox, a professor of animal sciences.
The Teaching Associate Teaching Award was given to Kari Keating, a teaching associate in the Agricultural Education Program.
The Professional Staff Award for Excellence for “Sustained Excellence–Advising, Teaching and Outreach” was given to Jan Brooks, a teaching associate for human development and family studies. Pamela Utterback, a research specialist for agriculture for animal sciences, received the Professional Staff Award for Excellence for “Sustained Excellence–Research.” LeAnn Ormsby, an assistant dean for ACES Information Technology and Communication Services, received the Professional Staff Award for Excellence for “Sustained Excellence–Administrative-Management or Technical Contributions.” Jessa Barnard, experiential learning coordinator for agricultural and consumer economics, received the Professional Staff Award for Excellence for “Innovation and Creativity.”
The Marcella M. Nance Staff Award was given to Robert Chappell, an office support specialist for ACES academic programs.
The Staff Award for Excellence was given to Nikki Baker, home economics staff assistant for food science and human nutrition, and Myra Sully, an accounting associate for animal sciences.
Elizabeth “Lisa” Ainsworth, a professor of plant biology, received the Service Recognition Award.
The Graduate Student Research Award went to Tzu-Wen Liu, a Ph.D. student in nutritional sciences, and Angie Daum, a master’s student in food science and human nutrition.
The Louis V. Logeman Graduate Student Teaching Award recipients were Brad Daigneault, animal sciences, and Dina Izenstark, human development and family studies.
The ACES Alumni Association Award for Merit went to: Donna R. Greene, B.S., 1975, home economics education, Champaign; Robert J. Gustafson, B.S., 1971, agricultural engineering, M.S., 1972, agricultural engineering, Worthington, Ohio; W. Scott McAdam, B.S., 1980, horticulture, Lemont, Illinois; and James R. Shearl, M.S., 1976, U. of I. Extension education, Loda, Illinois.
The Arbor Day Foundation has honored the University of Illinois with the 2015 Tree Campus USA recognition for the campus’s commitment to effective urban-forest management.
The recognition is a national program created in 2008 by the foundation to acknowledge colleges and universities for successful campus forest-management initiatives and for engaging staff members and students in conservation goals. Only 10 percent of four-year, degree-granting campuses nationally have achieved this prestigious certification.
In recognition of achieving the Tree Campus USA designation, Interim Chancellor Barb Wilson is proclaiming April 29 as a day of celebration. An Arbor Day event will occur on the Main Quad. Associate Chancellor Mike DeLorenzo will read the proclamation at a sugar maple tree planting ceremony near Noyes Laboratory at noon.